Part of Driving safety

Election signs

What you need to know before placing election signs on provincial highways.


You do not require a permit to install an election sign along provincial highways, however you must follow the provincial guidelines.

General guidelines

  • the maximum sign size permitted in a highway right-of-way (the existing highway limits) is 1.5 m2
  • election signs are temporary and are only permitted from the date the election is called until 3 days after the election
  • signs must meet eligibility criteria (see ineligible election sign types below)

If a sign does not comply with these guidelines, a peace officer or an authorized representative, without notice or compensation, may remove the sign.

Ineligible election sign types

Election signs must not:

  • display an intermittent flashing, rotating or moving light
  • be floodlit which could distract drivers
  • have any moving or rotating parts
  • imitate the wording of a standard or commonly used highway traffic sign, such as stop, stop ahead or yield
  • imitate or resemble a traffic control device, such as a stop sign

Signs should also not include associated yard lights, area lighting and other lights that, are excessively distracting to the public or create a traffic hazard.

Location guidelines

Election signs should be placed as far from the shoulder line as practical, always allowing drivers to have an unobstructed view of the road.

When placing election signs, consider:

  • signs must be placed no closer than 2 m from the edge of pavement (or, in the case of gravel roads, no closer than 2 m from the shoulder of the road)
  • during winter conditions, there is a high probability that signs less than 6 m from the road will be either covered with snow or damaged during snow removal and sanding operations

No election signs:

  • are allowed within the median of a divided provincial highway
  • can be mounted on highway signs or sign posts (these signs will be removed immediately)
  • can be placed in or within 500 m of construction zones
  • are allowed to obstruct a driver’s view of an intersection in an urban area or within 250 m of an intersection in a rural area

Read more about installing election signs.

Safety precautions

Take precautions when installing election signs to ensure your safety and prevent driver distraction:

  • anyone working near the highway must wear reflective vests and bright clothing
  • election signs can only be installed during daylight hours
  • vehicles used for transporting election signs must:
    • be parked to minimize the impact to drivers (preferably on an approach), as far as possible from the travel lanes
    • have 4-way hazard warning signals operating at all times

Sign removal

All election signs must be removed within 3 days after the election. The campaign office is responsible for installing and removing election signs.

Removal includes:

  • the sign panel
  • supporting structure
  • any tie wiring used to install and support the sign

Signs that pose an immediate hazard to the public will be removed immediately by highway maintenance contractors without notification.

When the removal of an election sign is necessary due to safety or operational concerns, the appropriate district office will notify the responsible campaign office to take the required action:

  • failure to respond within the specified time will result in the sign being removed
  • signs will be stored at the nearest highway maintenance facility or district office
  • the campaign office will be notified to arrange to have the signs picked up

We are not responsible for any signs damaged during the removal process.


For more information about highway development and permits: