Part of Royalties

Bitumen Valuation Methodology components

This information can be used to calculate the bitumen value under the Bitumen Valuation Methodology (Ministerial) Regulation.

Bitumen Valuation Methodology (BVM) reports

Information to calculate the bitumen value under the Bitumen Valuation Methodology (Ministerial) Regulation, BVM reports are available through Open government from 2009 to the most recent.

BVM model calculator

Use this BVM model calculator for example purposes only.


Connect with Oil Sands, Coal and Mineral Operations:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)

Oil Sands Royalty Project Applications and Compliance [email protected]
Oil Sands Royalty Administration [email protected]
Oil Sands Royalty Information Management [email protected]
Oil Sands Tenure [email protected]

Mailing Address:
Alberta Energy and Minerals
Oil Sands, Coal and Mineral Operations
6th floor, Petroleum Plaza, North Tower
9945 108 Street
Edmonton Alberta  T5K 2G6