Benefit premium rates directive

This directive covers the premium rates for the benefit plans of Alberta Public Service employees in salaried positions.


This directive sets out the premium rates for the benefit plans for employees in salaried positions. Premium rates that are monthly are deducted bi-weekly, determined by taking the annual premium amount (monthly premium rate times 12 months) and dividing it by the number of pay periods in the calendar year.

Current rates

Benefit plans and rates

Effective dateBenefit planCoverage typeTotal
Canada Pension Plan
January 1, 2025Canada Pension Plan 1Yearly Maximum Pensionable Earnings$71,300
Basic Exemption$3,500
Employee Rate5.95%
Yearly Maximum Employee Contribution$4,034.10
Employer Rate5.95%
January 1, 2025Canada Pension Plan 2Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings$81,200
Employee Rate4.00%
Employer Rate4.00%
Maximum Additional Annual Employee and Employer Contribution$396.00
Note: Effective January 1, 2024, a second additional CPP contribution (CPP2) is introduced. CPP2 is made on these earnings above the annual maximum pensionable earnings using the above rates and maximums.
Employment Insurance
January 1, 2025Employment InsuranceMaximum Annual Insurable Earnings$65,700
Employee Rate1.64%
Annual Maximum Employee Contribution$1,077.48
Employer Rate1.173 x Employee Contribution
Note: Since employee sick leave benefits are funded by the employer, the employer pays a reduced employment insurance rate. The employee's portion of the reduction is recognized as an employee contribution towards these benefits. The employer pays the greatest share of the total bi-weekly employment insurance premium.

MyCHOICE (bargaining unit employees)

MyCHOICE – health and dental plans – bi-weekly premium rates

Effective dateBenefit planCoverage typeEmployee bi-weekly rateEmployer bi-weekly rateTotal
bi-weekly rate
June 23, 2024Core Extended Medical Benefits PlanSingle
June 23, 2024Enhanced Extended Medical Benefits PlanSingle
June 23, 2024Core Prescription Drug PlanSingle
June 23, 2024Enhanced Prescription Drug PlanSingle
June 23, 2024Core Dental PlanSingle
June 23, 2024Enhanced Dental PlanSingle

MyCHOICE – group life insurance per $1,000 of insurance – monthly premium rates

Effective dateBenefit planEmployee rateEmployer rateTotal
June 26, 2022Basic Life$0.0395$0.0790$0.1185
AD & D$0.0032$0.0064$0.0096
Effective dateBenefit planAgeMaleFemale
July 1, 2008Enhanced Life Insurance
(Smoker Rates)
 The monthly premium rates, calculated on a bi-weekly basis, for Enhanced Life Insurance are totally paid for by the employee.0 to 35$0.04$0.03
36 to 45$0.06$0.05
46 to 50$0.14$0.11
51 to 55$0.26$0.20
56 to 60$0.55$0.36
61 to 64$0.80$0.49
65 to 69$1.13$0.69
July 1, 2008Enhanced Life Insurance
(Non-Smoker Rates)
 The monthly premium rates, calculated on a bi-weekly basis, for Enhanced Life Insurance are totally paid for by the employee.0 to 35$0.03$0.02
36 to 45$0.04$0.03
46 to 50$0.09$0.07
51 to 55$0.17$0.13
56 to 60$0.37$0.24
61 to 64$0.53$0.33
65 to 69$0.76$0.46

MyCHOICE – dependent life insurance – bi-weekly premium rate

Effective dateBenefit planEmployee
bi-weekly rate
bi-weekly rate
bi-weekly rate
June 27, 2010Dependent Life$2.192$0.00$2.192

MyCHOICE – Long Term Disability Income

Effective dateLong Term Disability IncomeEmployee rateEmployer rate
June 23, 20243.30% of insurable salary1.65% of insurable salary1.65% of insurable salary

MyCHOICE – Flexible Spending Account

Effective dateEmployee rateEmployer rate
April 1, 2019$0.00$900 per year

1stchoice (management, opted out and excluded employees)

1stchoice – health and dental plans – bi-weekly premium rates

Effective dateBenefit planCoverage typeEmployee bi-weekly rateEmployer bi-weekly rateTotal
bi-weekly rate
June 23, 2024Core Extended Medical Benefits PlanSingle
June 23, 2024Enhanced Extended Medical Benefits PlanSingle
June 23, 2024Core Prescription Drug PlanSingle
June 23, 2024Enhanced Prescription Drug PlanSingle
June 23, 2024Core Dental PlanSingle
June 23, 2024Enhanced Dental PlanSingle

1stchoice – group life insurance per $1,000 of insurance – monthly premium rates

Effective dateBenefit planEmployee rateEmployer rateTotal
June 26, 2022Basic Life$0.0041$0.0081$0.0122
AD & D$0.0032$0.0064$0.0096
Effective dateBenefit planAgeMaleFemale
July 1, 2007Enhanced Life Insurance
(Smoker rates)
 The monthly premium rates, calculated on a bi-weekly basis, for Enhanced Life Insurance are totally paid for by the employee.0 to 35$0.04$0.03
36 to 45$0.06$0.05
46 to 50$0.14$0.11
51 to 55$0.26$0.20
56 to 60$0.55$0.36
61 to 64$0.80$0.49
65 to 69$1.13$0.69
July 1, 2007Enhanced Life Insurance
(Non-smoker rates)
 The monthly premium rates, calculated on a bi-weekly basis, for Enhanced Life Insurance are totally paid for by the employee.0 to 35$0.03$0.02
36 to 45$0.04$0.03
46 to 50$0.09$0.07
51 to 55$0.17$0.13
56 to 60$0.37$0.24
61 to 64$0.53$0.33
65 to 69$0.76$0.46

1stchoice – dependent life insurance – bi-weekly premium rate

Effective dateBenefit planEmployee
bi-weekly rate
bi-weekly rate
bi-weekly rate
June 27, 2010Dependent Life$1.384$0.00$1.384

1stchoice – Long Term Disability Income

Effective dateEmployee rateEmployer rate
June 23, 2024$0.002.00% of insurable salary

1stchoice – Health Spending Account

Effective dateEmployee rateEmployer rate
April 1, 2012$0.00$950 per year

About this directive

Authority:Government Organization Act
Collective Agreement, Article 34
Collective Agreement, Article 35
Application:Organizations under the Public Service Act
Effective Date:June 25, 2023
Contact:Alberta Public Service Commission:
Strategic Services and Public Agency Secretariat; Total Compensation and Job Evaluation Policy Unit