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Beneficial management practices

These environmental manuals help Alberta livestock and cropping producers reduce or eliminate environmental risk.


A Beneficial Management Practice (BMP) is any management practice that reduces or eliminates an environmental risk. BMPs cover areas ranging from pesticide handling to energy efficiency to water quality and take into consideration legislation, practicality and operational needs for a specific operation.


These manuals were prepared for Alberta farmers and ranchers to create a greater understanding of environmental risks and social concerns. They provide information on a wide range of BMPs that will benefit the environment while being practical. Each farm is unique. Not all of the practices in the manuals are suited for every operation. You will need to consider the various options, choose those best suited to your needs, and adapt them to the specific conditions on your farm.

Environmental Manual for Alberta Farmsteads

This manual was designed to provide you with information about BMPs that deal with environmental risks on rural sites. Since the farmstead is the heart of your operation, it is important to learn how to identify areas of potential risk. This manual offers you options for managing those areas of risk so that your farmstead remains the key to the health of your family, your livestock and the environment.

View or download the Environmental Manual for Alberta Farmsteads.

Table of contents

Chapter 1.0 Introduction
Chapter 2.0 Environmental Considerations
Chapter 3.0 Farmstead Water Sources
Chapter 4.0 Pesticide Storage, Handling and Application
Chapter 5.0 Fertilizer Storage, Handling and Application
Chapter 6.0 Fuel Storage and Handling
Chapter 7.0 Surface Water
Chapter 8.0 Farmstead Waste Management
Chapter 9.0 Household Wastewater Management
Chapter 10.0 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 11.0 Nuisance
Chapter 12.0 Legislation
Appendix – Emergency Plan

Environmental Manual for Alberta Cow/Calf Producers

This manual was developed to inform and educate cow/calf producers on BMPs that can enhance soil, water, air and biodiversity. These BMPs protect the environment which keep production practical and within the law. The manual should be considered general and not specific to any operation. As every operation is unique, BMPs should be applied and modified based on the specific operation.

View or download the Environmental Manual for Cow/Calf Producers in Alberta.

Table of contents

Chapter 1.0 Introduction
Chapter 2.0 Environmental Considerations
Chapter 3.0 Land Base Management
Chapter 4.0 Site Management
Chapter 5.0 Water Supply Management
Chapter 6.0 Manure Management
Chapter 7.0 Grazing Management
Chapter 8.0 Pest and Predator Management
Chapter 9.0 Feed and Feed Storage
Chapter 10.0 Disposal of Farm Waste
Chapter 11.0 Handling and Storing Agricultural Inputs
Chapter 12.0 Community Relations
Chapter 13.0 Environmental Legislation

Environmental Manual for Crop Producers in Alberta

This manual was prepared for crop producers to provide information about a wide range of BMPs suited to crop production in Alberta. BMPs are practices that benefit the environment while being practical for producers to meet or exceed legal requirements.

View or download the Environmental Manual for Crop Producers in Alberta.

Table of contents

Chapter 1.0 Introduction
Chapter 2.0 Environmental Considerations
Chapter 3.0 Cropping Practices
Chapter 4.0 Storage, Handling and Disposal of Agricultural Inputs
Chapter 5.0 Post-Harvest Crop Storage
Chapter 6.0 Energy Inputs
Chapter 7.0 Wildlife Habitat
Chapter 8.0 Community Relations
Chapter 9.0 Legislation
Chapter 10.0 Glossary

Environmental Manual for Livestock Producers in Alberta

This manual was prepared for Alberta livestock producers to create a greater understanding of activities and strategies to reduce environmental risks and social concerns. As producers better understand the value and the importance of safe storage, handling and application of nutrients, they start using nutrient management planning. Producers adopting this “systems approach” benefit the agricultural industry, environment, rural communities and society.

View or download the Environmental Manual for Livestock Producers in Alberta.

Table of contents

Chapter 1.0 Introduction
Chapter 2.0 Manure – The Basics
Chapter 3.0 Managing Manure Storage and Collection Areas
Chapter 4.0 Manure Treatment
Chapter 5.0 Manure Transportation
Chapter 6.0 Nutrient Management Planning
Chapter 7.0 Manure Application
Chapter 8.0 Surface Water Management
Chapter 9.0 Building Good Neighbour Relationships
Chapter 10.0 For More Information

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Phone: 403-742-7901 (outside Alberta)
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