The June 2013 flood has affected backcountry users in a variety of ways. Restoring the trail systems in these areas serves not only to maintain recreational opportunities in Alberta's backyard; it provides critical support to the economic, environmental and social benefits that were compromised by the flood. Providing Albertans with an opportunity to return to a sense of normalcy and providing wilderness opportunities for all is an important part of that recovery.
the Alberta government is leading an $11.5 million program to restore and repair backcountry trail systems on public lands commencing 2014 and to be completed by March 2019. The program aims to restore priority trails and trails systems along the eastern slopes for both motorized and non-motorized recreational users.
The program is in its final season of construction. A report outlining the results of the program will be compiled over the winter and will be available by April 2019.
Temporary trail closures
Trail construction is nearing completion for the Backcountry Trail Flood Rehabilitation Program, but trail construction is still underway on Public Lands. For all Public Land closures not related to Backcountry Trail Flood Rehabilitation projects, see Public land closures and advisories.
Information on designated trails within Public Land Use Zones can be found at Public Land Use Zones.
Completed projects
In response to the damage caused by the 2013 flood, the Alberta government is leading the restoration and reconstruction of priority backcountry trails on public lands. This work aims to restore damaged trails, while simultaneously making them sustainable for the future. Below is a list of projects which have been completed under the Alberta government's Backcountry Trail Flood Rehabilitation Program. This list will continue to be updated as projects are completed.
For more information on Public Land Use Zones (PLUZs), see Public Land Use Zones.
Central Program Area
Cataract Creek Snow Vehicle PLUZ
Ghost PLUZ
- Ghost Airstrip Provincial Recreation Area (PRA) to Waiparous Creek PRA
- Ghost Project 12
- Ghost Project 14
- Ghost River Ice Climbing Trail
- Hunter Valley Road to Marker #389
- Marker #389 to Hunter Valley Road
- South Ghost PRA to Lesueur Creek
Kananaskis Country
- Diamond T Loop
- Elbow Valley Trail Over Canyon Creek
- Jumpingpound Ridge Trails
- Moose Creek Loop
- Powderface and Prairie Creek
- Prairie Creek Trail
- Ridgeback Trail
McLean Creek PLUZ
- Elbow Falls Trail Closure
- Fish East to Sylvester Creek and Fisher West
- Well-Site Access Trail Closure
North Program Area – Bighorn Backcountry
Blackstone/Wapiabi PLUZ
Job/Cline PLUZ
Kiska/Wilson PLUZ
Upper Clearwater/Ram PLUZ
- Canary Creek Trail
- Canary Creek Trail (BigP14 Project)
- Clearwater Trail (BigP5 Project)
- Clearwater Trail (BigP12 Project)
- Glacier Trail
- Hummingbird Creek Trail
- Pleasant Valley Trail
- Skeleton Creek Trail
South Program Area
Allison/Chinook PLUZ
Castle PLUZ
- Bovin (Blue) Lake Trail
- Carbondale Area
- Goat Creek Area
- Goat Creek to Lost Creek Loop
- Lynx Creek Area
- North Lost Creek
- O'Hagen Area
- O'Hagen/Carbondale Connector Trail
- South Lost Creek
- South York Creek Loop
- Table Mountain Trail