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AOE abbreviations and post nominals

List of abbreviations and explanations of post-nominals used in the AOE biographies.

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  • Abbreviations and post nominals


AAA Alberta Association of Architecture
AOE Alberta Order of Excellence
ASA Alberta Society of Artists
ARCT Associate of the Royal Conservatory


BA Bachelor of Arts
BAPE Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
B.Arch Bachelor of Architecture
B.App.Sc. Bachelor of Applied Science
BBA Bachelor of Business Administration
B.C. British Columbia
BCL Bachelor of Civil Laws
B.Comm Bachelor of Commerce
B.Ed. Bachelor of Education
BJ Bachelor of Journalism
B.Mus. Bachelor of Music
BPE Bachelor of Physical Education
BSA Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
B.Sc. Bachelor of Science
B.Sc.N Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BID Bachelor of Interior Design


CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBE Commander of the Order of the British Empire
CC Companion of the Order of Canada
CCFP Certificant of the College of Family Physicians
CD Canadian Forces Decoration
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CFA Chartered Financial Analyst
CFB Canadian Forces Base
Ch.B Bachelor of Surgery
CIC Cadet Instructor Cadre
CIDA Canadian International Development Agency
CM Member of the Order of Canada
CStJ Commander of the Order of St. John
CUC Canadian University College


DABP Diplomate American Board of Pediatrics
DAS Doctor of Arts and Science
DBA Doctor of Business Administration
DD Doctor of Divinity
D.Eng Doctor of Engineering
DFA Doctor of Fine Arts
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross
DLitt Doctor of Literature
D.Litt et Phil Doctor of Literature and Philosophy
Dip.V. Diplôme de Virtuosité
DMA Doctor of Musical Arts
D.Phil. Doctor of Philosophy
D.Sc. Doctor of Science


Ed.D Doctor of Education


FAAFP Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians
FACP Fellow of the American College of Physicians
FCA Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
FCAE Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering
FCAHS Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Services
FCFP Fellow of the College of Family Physicians of Canada
FCIC Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada
FCIM Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
FEC Fellow of Engineers Canada
FGC Fellow of Geoscientists Canada
F.ICD.D Fellow of the Institute of Corporate Directors
FNAI Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors
FRAIC Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
FRCP Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
FRCPC Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Medicine)
FRCPSC Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Surgery)
FRCS Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FRCSC  Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada
FRS Fellow of the Royal Society
FRSC Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
FSRA Fellow of the Society of Risk Analysis


HBA Honours Business Administration
H.Ec. Home Economist
HMCS Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship


ICD.D Institute of Corporate Directors Designation
IPC Indigenous Peoples’ Counsel
IOC International Olympic Committee


JD Doctor of Law/Juris Doctor


KSS Knight of St. Silvester


LLB Bachelor of Laws
LLD Doctor of Laws
LLM Master of Laws
LRCP Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians
LVO Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order


MA Master of Arts
MB Bachelor of Medicine
MBA Master of Business Administration
MBE Member of the British Empire
MD Doctor of Medicine
M.Ed Master of Education
M.Eng. Master of Engineering
MFA Master of Fine Arts
MNA Master of Nursing Administration
M.Mus. Master of Music
MP Member of Parliament
MRCS Member of the Royal College of Surgeons
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
M.Sc. Master of Science
MSC Meritorious Service Cross
MSM Meritorious Service Medal


NAE National Academy of Engineering (U.S.)
NAIT Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
NHL National Hockey League
NRC National Research Council
N.W.T. Northwest Territories


OC Officer of the Order of Canada
OM Order of Manitoba
OMD Doctor of Oriental Medicine
OMI Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
OMM Order of Military Merit


PC Privy Councillor
P.Eng. Professional Engineer
P.Geol. Professional Geologist
P.Geoph. Professional Geophysicist
Ph.D Doctor of Philosophy


QC Queen's Counsel


RCA Royal Canadian Academy
RCAC Royal Canadian Armoured Corps
RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force
RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RN Registered Nurse


SAIT Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
ScD Doctor of Science
SD Doctor of Science


UBC University of British Columbia
UNB University of New Brunswick
U of A University of Alberta
U of C University of Calgary
U of L University of Lethbridge
UMN United Mission to Nepal


YMCA Young Men's Christian Association
YWCA Young Women's Christian Association