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Alberta Traffic Safety Plan

This plan aims to create safer drivers, vehicles and roads through education, innovation and enforcement.


Alberta’s first Traffic Safety Plan, the first strategy of its kind in Canada, was introduced in 2007. The number of collisions, deaths and injuries on Alberta’s roads has declined considerably since the implementation of this plan by the Alberta government and its traffic safety partners. Over the life of the plan, traffic fatalities dropped by nearly 32%.

To build upon these traffic safety improvements, a successor plan was created. Alberta’s Traffic Safety Plan 2015 built upon the partnerships developed in the first plan and used the safe system approach, which aims to create safer drivers, safer speeds, safer vehicles and safer roads.

Priorities will be addressed using a number of core strategies including education and training, communication, community initiatives, enforcement, research, legislation, new technologies, road engineering and infrastructure improvements.

The first Traffic Safety Plan was developed in response to the McDermid report.

Get the facts on TSP 2015.

Alignment with other jurisdictions

Alberta’s Traffic Safety Plan 2015 aligned with national and international traffic safety efforts. The national Road Safety Strategy 2015 was developed through the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) and its partners built on the activities and gains made during Road Safety Vision 2010, but provided provinces and territories with more scope to adapt activities to local conditions and needs. Road Safety Strategy 2025 is the latest guiding strategy to to make Canada’s roads the safest in the world. This latest strategy formally adopted Vision Zero.

The Commission for Global Road Safety issued a call for a Decade of Action for Road Safety in its 2009 Report. Endorsements for the proposal have come from a wide range of public figures as well as the UN Safety Collaboration. The overall goal of the Decade of Action (2011 to 2020) will be to reduce road traffic fatalities around the world by increasing activities at the national level.

Alberta Traffic Safety Plan Calendar

Input from traffic safety stakeholders helped to create the Traffic Safety Plan Calendar, which provides a province-wide coordinated approach that highlights priority traffic safety topics each month.

Enforcement agencies, Community Mobilization Consultants and several other stakeholders work together using an integrated strategy to ensure enforcement and communications campaigns are aligned with the Traffic Safety Plan.


For more information on Alberta's Traffic Safety Plans:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-8901
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]

Main Floor, Twin Atria Building Room 109
4999 98 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T6B 2X3