Location: Calgary, Alberta
Rytch Newmiller, a member of the board of directors for the Calgary Association of the Deaf, is spearheading major support initiatives for the deaf community in Calgary and all of Alberta during COVID-19. There are many gaps in access to COVID-19 updates and other critical information for the deaf community. Rytch has been working incredibly hard to fill those gaps through vlogs and announcements in American Sign Language (ASL), through the Calgary Association of the Deaf website, as well as by arranging ASL interpretation that accommodates deaf people, deaf-blind and other stakeholders in the deaf community.
In addition to ensuring vital information reaches the deaf community, Rytch takes care of members of the community on an individual basis. He has arranged for delivery of food hampers and essential medications to many deaf individuals and families in Calgary and surrounding areas, and he reaches out to deaf people who may be experiencing social isolation because of the pandemic.