Alberta Northern Lights – All recipients

The outstanding Albertans who have been recognized by this volunteer recognition program.

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Alberta Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition Program

Our thanks

The Alberta Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition Program is honoured to recognize the volunteers listed here – and grateful for the contributions they’ve made in their communities.

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177 results
On December 7, they were recognized for helping the food bank continue to help those facing food insecurity during COVID-19.
On June 10, they were recognized for making and donating unique personal protective equipment for frontline workers and vulnerable Albertans.
On July 20, she was recognized for her ongoing commitment to volunteerism, including helping at a local thrift store during the pandemic.
On September 8, he was recognized for helping to deliver groceries to over 200 households in the Filipino community during COVID-19.
On December 1, Karsh Chauhan was recognized for ability and enthusiasm in inspiring and supporting others in achieving their dreams.
On August 11, MyCityCare was recognized for their service to the residents of Lethbridge.
On June 22, she was recognized for reaching out to self-isolating seniors during the pandemic.
On May 22, they were recognized for supporting Albertans living with addiction.
On July 28, Dil-E-Punjab Restaurant and Green Scholars of Alberta was recognized for feeding the hungry in the city.
On August 19, she was recognized for preparing bag lunches for students and their families.
card image of Maziyar Dowlatabadibazaz
On November 16, he was recognized for helping people who experience homelessness during COVID-19.
On February 23, the St. Paul and District Arts Foundation was recognized for their commitment to the cultural enrichment of the community.

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