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Part of Statistics

Agri-food trade statistics

Trends in agri-food exports and other statistics.

Alberta Agri-Food Exports
This comprehensive annual publication covers trends of Alberta's agri-food exports by product and country. It also includes exports of primary agricultural commodities (live animals and crops) and processed agricultural and food products.

Agri-Food Statistics Update – Alberta Agri-Food Exports
Collected from a variety of sources, this update provides commentary on current issues, trends and new developments related to agri-food exports. Collected from a variety of sources, the Statistics and Data Development Section monitors statistical indicators of agri-food activity for Alberta. Up-to-date statistics are supplemented with informative charts and diagrams. To gauge Alberta's performance, comparative data and information are often available for Canada and the provinces.

Trends in Alberta Agri-Food Exports
This annual publication provides highlights and trends in Alberta’s agri-food export industry.

Value of Food Exports
This fact sheet covers a 10-year scan of Alberta agri-food export statistics, including edible food products, beverages and animal feed. Edible food products refer to meats, milled and prepared cereals. Food exports do not include raw commodities (animals and crops) and inedible crude animal and plant products.