Alberta Emergency Alert. MD of Greenview - Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation Evacuation Order still in effect.

Critical: Wildfire - Parts of Alberta (Updated May 20, 2023 at 11:33 AM)

Critical: Wildfire - Parts of Alberta

Updated May 20, 2023 at 11:33 AM

Source: Alberta Emergency Management Agency

Issued: May 20, 2023 at 11:33 AM

Description: Alberta Emergency Alert. MD of Greenview - Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation Evacuation Order still in effect.

All residents in the described area remain under a mandatory evacuation order.

Area: The evacuation order remains in effect for everyone East of RR 242, North to TWP RD 722, West of HWY 49, South to TWP 710, West to RR 225, and South to TWP RD 700, including Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation. See attached map.

Affected areas (3):

  • Sturgeon Lake 154
  • Greenview No. 16
  • Sturgeon Lake 154A

Action to take:

  • People in the identified Evacuation Order area must remain evacuated
  • Residents East of RR 225, South of TWP RD 710, West of Highway 49/RR 222, North of TWP RD 700 must be prepared to evacuate on short notice
  • Members of SLCN should follow the direction of SLCN Chief and Council and their emergency management team
  • Heavy smoke remains in the area
  • It is not recommended that you return yet if you have respiratory issues.

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