The Alberta Government is partnering with the City of Leduc and the Edmonton International Airport (EIA) for a new interchange in Leduc at 65th Avenue and the QEII Highway. About 55,300 vehicles use this section of the QEII daily, and traffic volumes have grown about 2% per year. About 12% of the total number of vehicles that travel on this section of the QEII are trucks.
The new interchange is the next step in connecting industrial development south of Leduc’s 65th Avenue with the EIA’s Perimeter Road. The project will deliver safer and more efficient connections between the City of Leduc, the Edmonton International Airport and area businesses. Giving commercial carriers easier access to the growing cargo hub at the airport will help drive economic diversification and investment.
Leduc is in one of the fastest growing regions in Alberta and attracts business and investment from around the world. The interchange will help reduce congestion on the QEII at both Highway 39 and Airport Road, while providing a major new connection to developments in Leduc and at the EIA. It will also provide an alternate route to the west end of Leduc.
Project details
The project includes:
- an overpass over the QEII highway adjacent to the 50 Street bridge (City of Leduc)
- new on/off ramps from the QEII highway
- ramp and intersection improvements
- completion of Perimeter Road and 65 Avenue
The City of Leduc tendered the project. Construction began late in 2022, and the majority of the project works on the east side of QEII, including bridge work, is complete. Remaining work to be completed in 2025, contingent on weather and other factors, include construction of the 65 Avenue ramps, work on Perimeter Road, and road construction on 65 Avenue and QEII to Grant MacEwan Boulevard.
New Leduc interchange drives investment, creates jobs (May 12, 2022)
Leduc 65 Avenue project drives recovery (November 6, 2020)
New interchange to create jobs, attract investment (January 25, 2019)
For more information, please contact Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-968-4219
Toll free: 310-0000 before the number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]