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Victim services engagement

Stakeholders provided input on a new victim services model to better supports victims of crime.


We gathered input from stakeholders to help inform the development of a new victim assistance program and to improve the current service delivery model.

Albertans have told us that the current system doesn’t always help victims of crime enough, and service delivery should be more consistent and accessible across the province.

This engagement built on suggestions received from stakeholders during phase 1 of engagement in 2019, which helped improve financial benefits delivered under the interim victim assistance program.


  • Open

    September 14 to November 30, 2020

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General

Stakeholder engagement

MLAs Angela Pitt and Nathan Neudorf co-chaired a working group that consulted with victim advocacy groups and victim-serving organizations to gather opinions on the current service delivery model and identify ways to better support victims of crime.

The final report and recommendations was submitted to the minister of Justice and Solicitor General in early 2021.


Stakeholder feedback helped us develop a new victim assistance program that will launch September 1, 2022, to ensure victims have immediate access to the help they need.

To ensure victims have consistent access to services across Alberta, program delivery is shifting to a 4-zone model, which aligns with RCMP districts. We will be engaging with stakeholders and Indigenous communities on the best way to implement the new service delivery model as it's rolled out in stages over the next year.


Stakeholders are welcome to submit questions by email: [email protected].
