Upper Bow River flood study engagement

Albertans provided input on draft reports and flood maps from our Upper Bow River flood study.


We gathered feedback from Albertans on draft reports and flood maps from the Upper Bow River flood study. Flood studies can be used by the public and all levels of government to help keep Albertans safe, protect their properties from floods and build more resilient communities.

Public engagement is part of our standard flood study finalization process, and occurs after local authorities, such as towns, cities, counties, municipal districts and Indigenous communities, have had an opportunity to review the draft reports and flood maps.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

    September 2024

Who is listening

Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas

Input received

Albertans shared feedback on draft reports and flood maps through online surveys between November 30, 2020, and January 15, 2021, and between January 12 and February 12, 2024.


Your feedback helped finalize the Upper Bow River flood study.

More information about this study and other provincial flood studies is provided through the Flood Hazard Identification Program.