Part of Infrastructure

Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation

Recognizing individuals and organizations for their work in advancing transportation in Alberta.


The Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation (MATI) recognizes individuals and organizations demonstrating innovation. The 2025 MATI awards will present up to 6 awards for Innovation in Transportation. The are no sub-categories and all applications will be evaluated using the same criteria. The awards process is an opportunity to celebrate transportation innovations, large or small, that pave the way toward a better, more efficient, sustainable and safer transportation system in Alberta.

Members of the province’s transportation industry are invited to celebrate successes, share lessons learned and honour efforts at innovation.


Eligible recipients

Eligible recipients include:

  • members in good standing of the Consulting Engineers of Alberta
  • members in good standing of the Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association
  • member municipalities of the Alberta Municipalities
  • member municipalities of the Rural Municipalities of Alberta
  • Transportation and Economic Corridors staff as part of larger project teams

Eligible projects

Eligible projects include:

  • public transportation projects in Alberta related to roads, bridges or multi-modal transportation
  • projects completed within 2 years
    • Preference will be given to nominations that have measurable outcomes.
    • There is no limitation or restriction on the scope or scale of the innovation.
  • projects that were submitted within the past 2 years that did not receive an innovation reward
    • Projects must be resubmitted with updated relevant information.
  • projects that focus on a ‘first’ in Alberta
    • The innovation can be original or an adaptation of a technology or process used outside the province.

Submissions should be written for a non-technical audience.

How to apply

The department will identify projects and individuals engaged in innovative work and invite them to submit an application.

If you would like your work or a specific project to be considered for an invitation to submit an application, contact the department by December 18, 2024.

Applications will be due in January.

After you apply

Applications will be evaluated by representatives from the department, CEA, ARCHA, Alberta Municipalities and RMA.

Awards will be presented at the annual CEA Transportation Connects Conference in March.


2024 recipients

Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation – 2024 recipients

  • Design Innovation – Road Stabilization with Geocells Sturgeon County, Paradox Access Solutions, Stratum Logics 
  • Construction Innovation – Twinning of Stoney Trail Bridge over the Bow River in NW Calgary Stantec Consulting Ltd., Flatiron Aecon Joint Venture, McElhanney, Transportation and Economic Corridors
  • Environmental Innovation – Adoption of Portland Limestone Cements Concrete Alberta, Burnco, Heidelberg Materials, Lafarge, Tetra Tech, Thurber, Transportation and Economic Corridors
  • Operational Innovation – Valleyview Airport Rehabilitation Project Town of Valleyview, Municipal District of Greenview No.16 
  • Transit/Accessible Transportation Innovation – Smoky River Transportation Program Town of Falher, Village of Donnelly, Village of Girouxville, Village of McLennan, Family and Children Social Services, Municipal District of Smokey River

Past recipients

Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation – 2023 recipients

  • Design Innovation – Town of Canmore for Bow Valley Trail and Railway Avenue Protected Intersection with Near-side Signals
  • Construction Innovation – Aecon Transportation West Ltd for the Highway 817:02 Re-Construction Project
  • Environmental Innovation  The City of Leduc for the City of Leduc Solar Carport & Electrical Vehicle Chargers– Project
  • Safety Innovation – Transportation and Economic Corridors, Traffic Safety Services, Driver Programs for the Robotics Automation Process / Ignition Interlock Program
  • Operational Innovation – Transportation System Transportation and Economic Corridors, Construction and Maintenance, Southern Region for Optimizing Gravel Road Maintenance
  • Transit/Accessible Transportation Innovation –No applications submitted


Connect with our office and for more information about the Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation:

Orlando Rodriguez
Director, Modelling and GIS
Transportation and Economic Corridors
Phone: 780-643-1723
Email: [email protected]

3rd Floor, Twin Atria Building
4999 98 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T6B 2X3