Surveys Act engagement

Stakeholders were invited to provide input into the modernization of the Surveys Act.


We gathered input from stakeholders on proposed amendments to the Surveys Act to address changes in survey methods and to reduce red tape. Portions of the act are outdated and do not reflect current process, practices or technologies used for modern surveying.

From 2019 through May 2021, Environment and Parks worked with the Alberta Land Surveyors’ Association (ALSA) to discuss ways to modernize the Surveys Act. Together, they identified numerous potential changes to reflect current practices, methods and expectations around roles.


  • Open

    Open from October 26 to November 26, 2021

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas

Input received

Affected stakeholders and municipalities shared their feedback on proposed changes to the Surveys Act that were identified by the Alberta Land Surveyors’ Association.


Feedback will be used to finalize proposed amendments to the Surveys Act expected to be announced in the spring of 2022.