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Sole-source service contracts

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Sole-source service contracts

This database provides information on sole-source contracts of $10,000 or more for services purchased by Alberta government departments. Contract numbers followed by an "(a)" indicate an amendment to an existing contract. Contracts start on April 1, 2015 and later. The database will be updated quarterly.

Agencies, boards and commissions are not included.

Sole-source service contracts are governed by the Procurement and Sole-sourcing Policy.

View sole-source service contracts

Sole-source contracting made by all departments is presented in two tables. The first table identifies the sole-source contracts made by all departments which support government business. The second table identifies sole-source contracts that directly support Albertans in need, specific to the departments of Seniors, Community and Social Services, Children's Services and the former department of Human Services.

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Permitted situations and disclosure for sole-source contracts

Situations when sole-sourcing is permitted

As indicated in the data table in column 'Permitted situations'.

Sole-sourcing is permitted in certain situations, such as procurement:

  1. from philanthropic institutions, prison labour or persons with disabilities
  2. from a public body or non-profit organization
  3. of services, or goods or services in respect of Construction, purchased for representational or promotional purposes outside of Alberta
  4. of health services and social services
  5. on behalf of an entity not covered by the New West Partnership Trade Agreement (NWPTA)
  6. by entities which operate sporting or convention facilities, in order to respect a commercial agreement containing provisions incompatible with NWPTA government procurement obligations
  7. where it can be demonstrated that only one supplier is able to meet the requirements of a procurement
  8. where an unforeseeable situation of urgency exists and the services, or the goods or services in respect of Construction, could not be obtained by means of open procurement procedures
  9. when the acquisition is of a confidential or privileged nature and disclosure through an open bidding process could reasonably be expected to compromise government confidentiality, cause economic disruption or be contrary to the public interest
  10. of services provided by lawyers and notaries
  11. of treasury services
  12. in the absence of a receipt of any bids in response to a call for tenders

Procurements indicating ‘z’ in the data table, in column 'Permitted situations' have been sole-sourced outside of the above situations.

Situations when amendments are disclosed

Any contract numbers followed by an “(a)” indicate an amendment to an existing contract. These amendments are included on the website if:

  • an amendment to an existing contract is $10,000 in value or greater
  • a contract was previously disclosed because it was a sole-source $10,000 or greater and the value was increased by an amendment
  • a sole-source service contract was previously under $10,000 and an amendment increases the total value to $10,000 or greater

In each of these cases, the amount listed is the value of the amendment, and not the total value of the contract.

Situations when sole-source contracts and amendments are not disclosed

There are a few limited situations where sole-sourced contracts – or the amendments to those contracts – are not listed in the database. These contracts and amendments cannot be disclosed if doing so would:

  • be contrary to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
  • impede law enforcement
  • prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of particular enterprises
  • involve a waiver of privilege
  • cause economic disruption
  • be contrary to the public interest
