New and proposed legislation

New and proposed Government of Alberta legislation.

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The Critical Infrastructure Defence Act (Bill 1) protects essential infrastructure by creating offences for trespassing, interfering with operations or causing damage.
The Trespass Statutes (Protecting Law-abiding Property Owners) Act (Bill 27) strengthens protections for law-abiding Albertans and their property to help combat rural crime.
The Public Sector Wage Arbitration Deferral Act (Bill 9) postponed collective bargaining to allow time to fully understand Alberta’s economic situation.
The Job Creation Tax Cut (Alberta Corporate Tax Amendment) Act (Bill 3) reduced the corporate tax rate to 8% to attract investment and create thousands of new jobs.
The Carbon Tax Repeal Act (Bill 1) repealed the provincial carbon tax on May 30, 2019 to help put more money in the pockets of families, businesses and non-profits.