Milk River Fish Recovery Plan engagement

Albertans shared feedback on a draft recovery plan that will help conserve 3 species of fish in Alberta.


We gathered input on a draft recovery plan that outlines strategies and actions needed to continue protecting and maintaining 3 species of fish found in St. Mary River and Milk River in southern Alberta.

Between 2003 and 2007, the Stonecat, Western Silvery Minnow and Rocky Mountain Sculpin were listed as threatened under Alberta’s Wildlife Act, and the latter 2 listed as threatened under the federal Species at Risk Act. The 3 species continue to be at risk of decline due to their extremely limited ranges in both Alberta and Canada.

The primary threats to these fish species are habitat degradation and loss due to water management activities, and introduction of exotic or invasive species.

Your feedback will help us ensure our recovery plan is effective and clearly outlines measures needed to conserve these three species of threatened fish within their current ranges.


  • Open

    July 27 to August 29, 2021

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas

Input received

Online survey

Feedback was collected on the draft recovery plan through an online survey from July 27 to August 29, 2021.

Thank you for your input. We are currently reviewing feedback.

Indigenous community engagement

Indigenous communities were also invited to share feedback on the draft recovery plan.



Your input will be used to help finalize the Milk River Fish Recovery Plan before it is sent to the Endangered Species Conservation Committee. After its review, the committee will provide recommendations to the Minister of Environment and Parks.