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Made in Alberta engagement

We gathered feedback on the development of a Made in Alberta label that local producers, processors and manufacturers can use on their products.


We gathered feedback on the development of a Made in Alberta label that will help shoppers quickly identify products made in our province and support local businesses in Alberta’s economic recovery.

Most provinces in Canada have voluntary food labelling programs that help consumers easily identify locally produced, processed, and manufactured products. With the help of Albertans and stakeholders, we developed a recognized voluntary labelling program with consistent standards for eligible Alberta-made products.

Feedback was collected on how to implement the voluntary labelling program, including criteria for using the label.


  • Open

    Survey closed February 19, 2022

  • Results under review

  • Completed

    March 2023

Who is listening

Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation

Input received

From January 10 to February 19, 2022, Albertans and agri-food producers, processors, manufacturers and industry organizations completed surveys on the proposed voluntary labelling program, including the label design.

Through the survey, Albertans provided feedback on how the label would impact their purchasing habits, while stakeholders from many industries shared how it would work for their business.

In early 2022, stakeholders also had the opportunity to participate in virtual discussions on the labelling program and implementation approach.


Feedback from the surveys and stakeholder engagements helped finalize the Made in Alberta labelling program, which is being administered by the Alberta Food Processors Association. 

Contact 310-FARM

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Toll free: 310-FARM (3276) (in Alberta)
Phone: 403-742-7901 (outside Alberta)
Email: [email protected]