
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

Intergovernmental Relations

Develops intergovernmental strategies to coordinate Alberta's leadership and participation as they relate to other governments in Canada.


Develops intergovernmental strategies on issues of importance to Alberta and Canada, with its partners, clients and stakeholders, to address challenges and take advantage of and grow opportunities. They coordinate Alberta's leadership and participation within the Canadian federation in pursuit of a federal system that best serves the needs of Albertans and Canadians.


  • managing Alberta's partnerships with other provinces and the federal government
  • coordinating Alberta's participation in national and provincial forums
  • negotiating and finalizing agreements with other provinces and the federal government

First Ministers' Meetings

A First Ministers' Meeting is a gathering of the Prime Minister and provincial and territorial premiers. These meetings are called by the Prime Minister to discuss issues of national importance and concern.

First Ministers' Meetings are not regularly scheduled and are therefore not as frequent as other intergovernmental meetings, like annual Premiers' conferences and Council of the Federation.

Council of the Federation

The Council of the Federation comprises Canada's 13 provincial and territorial Premiers and is a forum for provincial and territorial premiers to discuss and work together on issues of mutual interest or concern. These issues include improving relationships between provinces, improving trade between provinces, sharing best practices, and reform of the Canadian Federation.

Western Premiers' Conference

The Western Premiers' Conference is held annually and allows premiers and governments from Canada's 4 western provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba) and 3 territorial governments (Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut) to work together on important issues.

Through the Western Premiers' Conference, the western premiers are committed to advancing mutual interests to sustain the West's continued vitality as the economic engine of Canada.

The chair of the Western Premiers' Conference rotates on an annual basis.

International and intergovernmental agreements

Advances Alberta’s interests by reviewing and approving intergovernmental agreements to ensure they are consistent with Alberta’s goals and objectives. A list of intergovernmental agreements fully executed by the Government of Alberta is compiled annually.

Inventory of agreements

Previous agreements are available in this Open Government Portal record.