The Health Information Standards Committee for Alberta (HISCA) oversees and coordinates the development, adoption and dissemination of health data and messaging standards for use within the Alberta health system.
HISCA ensures these standards align with approved provincial reporting standards, as well as national and international standards. Through the standards, HISCA advances Alberta’s priorities in electronic health initiatives.
HISCA fulfils these responsibilities through a process of collaboration and consensus building with stakeholders.
HISCA reports to the Health Information and Data Governance Committee.
Terms of reference
HISCA is responsible to:
- oversee and coordinate provincial activities related to the adoption, adaptation, revision, development and dissemination of health data and messaging standards
- oversee the implementation of health information standards sponsored or co-sponsored by the Ministry of Health or Alberta Health Services
- facilitate communication among stakeholders regarding provincial standards development, approval and the implementation process
- advise standing steering committees and the Chief Information Officer of the Ministry of Health on provincial health information standards as requested
- incorporate all provincial standards activities arising from the information management and technology strategic priorities
- promote the adoption of approved standards – Read approved standards
Submission and approval process
HISCA facilitates the process for establishment of health information standards for use across Alberta's health system.
Stakeholders make submissions to the committee for approval by following the HISCA Process.
Read the HISCA Process document
HISCA members
HISCA is composed of members from key stakeholder groups:
- Ministry of Health
- Alberta Health Services
- Alberta College of Pharmacy
- Canada Health Infoway
- Canadian Institute for Health Information
- College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
Representatives are appointed by their organizations through an invitation from the HISCA chair. The members represent both the business and information technology perspectives of their organization.
Connect with HISCA:
Email: [email protected]