Bow River Reservoir Options engagement

Albertans shared input to help reduce the impact of flood and drought on the Bow River and nearby communities.


Albertans provided feedback on possible options to help reduce the effects of flooding and drought along the Bow River by increasing storage capacity. Your input helped us identify and assess the potential socio-economic, environmental and other impacts of each option.

Feedback gathered contributed to the feasibility study, which determined that the Relocated Ghost Dam is the better option and will move forward to Phase 3: Engineering and regulatory approval process.


  • Open

  • Results under review

    Albertans shared feedback on Phase 2: Feasibility study. We are proceeding with the Relocated Ghost Dam option to Phase 3.

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas

Engagement timeline

  • Phase 1: Conceptual assessment

    Included a high-level hydrological study, tabletop geotechnical investigation, conceptual reservoir design and Indigenous, stakeholder and public engagement.

    November 2018 to Spring 2020
  • Phase 2: Feasibility study

    Determined the technical feasibility of the 3 options as well as potential impacts and associated benefits, implementation requirements and costs of each reservoir option.

    Spring 2020 to Spring 2023
  • Phase 3: Engineering and regulatory approval process

    Includes detailed design and engineering of the recommended option, and pursuit of required regulatory approvals.

    2025 to approximately 2033
  • Phase 4: Procurement, construction and commissioning (pending)

    Includes construction of the approved option.

    Approximately 2033 to 2037*

*If a decision is made to proceed to this phase.

Input received


Your feedback helped us assess options to mitigate flood and drought impacts on the Bow River and choose the Relocated Ghost Dam option to move forward into Phase 3.


Connect with the Bow River Reservoir Options engagement team:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 310-3773 (toll free)

We welcome commentary about government policies and programs, however we will not tolerate comments that are offensive to an individual or an organization, rude or harassing in tone, or abusive to government staff. For more information, see our comment policy.

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If you have already signed up – we look forward to providing you with new information about the feasibility study and engagement opportunities as they become available. 

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