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Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (2023-2028) Engagement

Albertans provided feedback on the framework of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.


Feedback from stakeholder engagement has helped to identify gaps and opportunities for improvements in Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) programs, which replaced the Canadian Agricultural Partnership in April 2023.

The Sustainable CAP framework represents a cost-shared federal-provincial investment of $508 million over 5 years towards strategic programs and services for the agriculture and agri-food industry in Alberta.

This engagement was previously known as the Next Policy Framework engagement (2021-23) — the name has been updated to reflect the current framework’s name: Sustainable CAP.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation

  • Phase 1: Priorities and direction

    Identify the priorities for the next Agricultural Policy Framework and get feedback on the Business Risk Management (BRM) reform policy.

    Summer 2021
  • Phase 2: Gather feedback on Guelph Statement

    Gather feedback on the 5 priority areas identified in the Guelph Statement.

    May to June 2022
  • Phase 3: Program engagement – Sustainable CAP programs

    Identify gaps and opportunities for potential program changes for 2024.

    Fall 2023 to April 2024

Get informed

To support continued innovation, growth and prosperity, Sustainable CAP launched April 1, 2023. This 5‐year (2023-2028), $3.5 billion investment includes $1 billion in federal programs and activities and $2.5 billion in cost-shared programs and activities by federal-provincial-territorial governments.

Input received

Phase 3

Albertans shared feedback for phase 3 through 4 online surveys to help identify opportunities for improvements to the Sustainable CAP framework from November 23 to December 10, 2023.

Topics covered included:

  • Climate change and environment
  • Sector capacity, growth and competitiveness
  • On-farm water and irrigation
  • Science, research and innovation

Phase 2

In late spring 2022, representatives of Alberta’s agriculture, agri-food and agri-products sector shared feedback for phase 2 through an online survey, virtual roundtable sessions and an email campaign on the 5 priority areas identified in the Guelph Statement.

Topics covered included:

  • Building Sector Capacity and Growth
  • Climate Change and Environmental Protection
  • Science, Research and Innovation
  • Market Development and Trade
  • Resiliency and Public Trust

Phase 1

Albertans submitted their phase 1 feedback through an online survey from June 11 to July 2, 2021. Stakeholders also participated by attending virtual sessions and submitting written feedback.

Topics covered included:

  • current and emerging industry challenges
  • objectives, principles, priorities and outcomes for the framework
  • ways to accomplish priorities and outcomes in Alberta
  • gaps in the current Canadian Agricultural Partnership priorities and outcomes
  • how to address the weight and impact of identified priority areas
  • Business Risk Management long-term reform policy direction

Stakeholder engagement

Stakeholders completed online surveys and attended in-person and virtual sessions to identify gaps and opportunities for program changes. Input will be packaged and shared with the Sustainable CAP program areas to review and bring forward any changes for approval and implementation in 2024. 


Your feedback will inform the development of Sustainable CAP and helps guide Alberta’s investments in the agriculture sector over the next 5 to 10 years.