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Featured on Wednesday's Child: February 7, 2024

Adoption profile photo of Kai

Kai, born in 2011, is an outgoing, determined and active youth with a bubbly personality. Engaging and social, Kai values relationships with the significant people in his life. He will enthusiastically talk about things he is interested in, like hockey, cars, the army and Pokémon cards. A kind youth with a good sense of humour, he is always looking to be helpful to others. Learning to prepare meals is enjoyable for Kai as he knows these skills will come in handy as he becomes more independent. Further activities of interest and enjoyment for him include playing sports, swimming, walking, reading, playing video games, playing with Pokémon cards, building Lego, and anything to do with cars.

Kai attends school full-time. Adjustments have been made to accommodate his learning style so that he can achieve success with his academic goals. He is especially happy to have free time in class for reading. Kai’s teachers are pleased with his steady improvement in class.

A two-parent, active and outgoing family with children would be in his best interest. If they enjoy sports, that is even better! A family who can offer patience, unconditional acceptance and support, predictable structure and routine as well as knowledge of community resources would likely allow Kai the most effective adjustment and success. Kai continues to have meaningful connections with his extended family, so a family willing to support these relationships is essential. The family who welcomes Kai into their home will have the opportunity to see many positive rewards in parenting him through adolescence and into his adulthood.

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