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Alberta Express Entry Stream – How to apply

Steps for applying for to be nominated for this Alberta Advantage Immigration Program immigration stream.

AAIP updates

Learn about important updates to the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) and its 8 intake streams.

Regular system updates

System maintenance for the AAIP portal occurs Fridays from 11 pm to Sundays at 7 pm. If you experience technical issues during these times, try again later. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Before you apply

Before you apply for the Alberta Express Entry Stream you need to be aware of your eligibility and the application process. You may only have one Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) application in process at any time across all AAIP streams. If you have an existing application and want to apply to the Alberta Express Entry Stream, you may withdraw your existing application.

How to withdraw an application in process

  • If you choose to request the withdrawal of an application you must submit a request to the AAIP.
  • The AAIP must confirm your application has been withdrawn before a new application can be submitted.
  • The application fee for the withdrawn application will not be refunded.
  • How you submit a request to withdraw an application will depend on how you applied to the AAIP.

Online application using AAIP portal

Complete the online request

Candidates who submitted their application online using the AAIP portal must submit their request to withdraw an application using the portal.

  • Log into the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program portal
  • On the portal main page, click on 'Create New Request'.
  • Find the AAIP application number for the application that you want to withdraw.
  • Once you click on the application number, you will be directed to a page with detailed information. You can only see request options that are available to you for this application. If you are eligible to withdraw the application, a blue 'Withdraw Application' button will be available above the application number.
  • Click on the blue 'Withdraw Application' button.
  • Next, read the FOIP clause and other important information about completing a request. Check off the box and click on 'Continue'. A draft is automatically saved once you click on the 'Continue' button. If you experience any technical issues or leave the request section while creating the request, you will need to go the 'Check Existing Requests' page to retrieve the draft request to continue.
  • Read the information provided on submitting a withdrawal. Once an application is withdrawn, it cannot be re-activated. Enter your reason for requesting the withdrawal of the application, and click on 'Submit Request' button.

The AAIP will review your request and notify you by email after the review is completed.

Paper application submitted by mail

Email your request with your AAIP file number and reason for withdrawal to [email protected].

Application steps

Step 1. General Express Entry and Accelerated Tech Pathway candidates

A. General Express Entry candidates – Respond to the Notification of Interest letter

If you receive a Notification of Interest letter from Alberta, you must:

  • email a copy of the letter to the AAIP at [email protected] within 2 weeks of receiving it in your federal Express Entry profile
  • provide your Express Entry profile number
  • provide the email address you will use for all future AAIP correspondence. If you are selected to apply, you will need to have an Account using the same email.
  • provide status information about current and past AAIP applications/nominations (if applicable)

Do not respond to the Notification of Interest letter if you have:

  • an active nomination under any AAIP stream. You are not eligible to apply or be nominated under this stream if you have a nomination that has not expired or that has not been withdrawn. Candidates are only eligible for one AAIP nomination certificate, or
  • a letter from a previous AAIP application stating you are currently not eligible to re-apply to the AAIP due to past misrepresentation

The AAIP will confirm your information after they receive it. If you are selected to apply, the AAIP will send you an email requesting you to submit an application.

B. Accelerated Tech Pathway candidates

Applications are currently on hold. Check back often.

Note: In your form you must use the email address that you will be using to correspond with the AAIP. If you are selected to apply, you will need to have an Account using the same email.

The AAIP will review the information in the form and determine if you meet the minimum eligibility criteria. If you meet minimum criteria, the AAIP will then send an email inviting you to apply.

All applicants notice:

There is no guarantee that you will be asked to submit an application if you meet the minimum eligibility requirements as a general Express Entry candidate or an Accelerated Tech Pathway candidate. Requests to apply are affected by the volume of potential candidates meeting these requirements, the type (occupation or sector) of submissions in AAIP processing queues, and the number of available nominations.

Step 2. Receive a request from the AAIP to apply to this stream

If you are selected to apply, the AAIP will send you an email with a link to the AAIP portal.

If the AAIP does not ask you to submit an application, you are not eligible for consideration under the Alberta Express Entry Stream.

Step 3. Read the terms and conditions

AAIP terms and conditions

The availability of AAIP streams, categories, pathways and pilots is dependent upon application volumes and labour market needs. The AAIP reserves the right to close application intake for any AAIP stream, category, pathway or pilot at any time, without prior notice. Further, the AAIP may decline to consider applications to closed or suspended streams, categories, pathways or pilots, regardless of when the applications were submitted. The criteria for the AAIP are routinely evaluated and may be subject to change at any time and without notice. Changes to the AAIP, including notice of suspension or closure of its streams, categories, pathways and pilots, and criteria changes, are available at AAIP – Updates.

The AAIP is not obligated to assess/process any applications submitted. Applications to the AAIP are treated as an expression of interest and, as such, will be processed according to quality of the application (completeness, eligibility), labour market information, occupational supply and demand forecasting, AAIP application volumes, and/or any other factors at the AAIP’s discretion.

By submitting an application to the AAIP you acknowledge and agree that your application may not be processed in the order received, or at all. Further, the decision to assess/process any particular application, and the outcome of any such assessment/processing, is at the AAIP’s sole discretion.

Program criteria are eligibility minimums, and meeting program criteria does not guarantee that a candidate’s application will be assessed, processed, or granted. The AAIP may choose to assess applications with the most current criteria irrespective of the date of submission of an application.

Candidates must have a strong likelihood of becoming economically established in Alberta. The AAIP reserves the right to decline applications if the AAIP is of the opinion that the candidate may not economically establish in Alberta.

Step 4. Review the assessment criteria

Alberta Express Entry Stream assessment criteria for general Express Entry candidates differs from the Notification of Interest factors you must meet to receive an Notification of Interest letter.

The minimum eligibility criteria for the Accelerated Tech Pathway differs from the pathway’s assessment criteria.

Review the assessment criteria. You must meet all assessment criteria at the time of application and assessment. Your application will be declined if you do not meet the criteria and if your Alberta employer does not meet employment requirements.

You will need to demonstrate that you meet assessment criteria in your application. Some documentation may take time to get. You will also need your Alberta employer’s support to obtain business documents. 

The AAIP does not guarantee that all complete applications received by the AAIP will be assessed, or that all candidates who meet the assessment criteria will be issued a nomination. Review the AAIP Terms and Conditions for complete information (see Step 3 above). Submission of an application or nomination by the AAIP does not guarantee you will be issued a permanent resident visa.

Step 5. Complete your application online and pay your application fee

The AAIP only accepts Alberta Express Entry Stream applications online. Alberta Express Entry Stream applications mailed, emailed or faxed to the AAIP will be declined.

For your online application to be accepted for processing by the AAIP, you must complete 2 steps:

  • complete and submit the online application, and
  • pay the application fee

Using the AAIP online portal

A link to the AAIP portal will be emailed to you. You must enter the same email address you used to submit your Notification of Interest letter or that you provided with your Accelerated Tech Pathway form, as well as your Express Entry profile number. After you create an application, the link in the email will no longer work and you will enter the portal via the portal main page:

AAIP online portal

The AAIP portal is only for candidates. You are responsible for your AAIP online portal account. Portal access is not available for third party representatives and family members.

You must have a basic Account to access the portal. An account is a free online identity for accessing Government of Alberta services online. Instructions on how to create an account are in the portal and on the Account website. You may also use an existing basic or verified Account.

The email address used to set up your Account is the email address that the AAIP will use to correspond with you. It must also be the same email address you used to submit a copy of your Notification of Interest letter or that you provided in your Accelerated Tech Pathway form. If you need to change your email address for corresponding with the AAIP, you must update your Account.

You should not share your Account with others, including family members and third party representatives, as your information or documents could be modified without your knowledge or consent.

You are responsible for the information provided to the AAIP for your application. Incorrect or fraudulent information could result in your application being declined, and you could be banned from applying to the AAIP for a period of time.

Completing the online application

You can save a draft of your application to complete at a later date. You must complete Section A (Contact Information) before a draft of your application can be saved. You can see all of your applications on the MyApplications page in the portal.

Important instruction for using the portal

  • Always use the Save, Next and Previous buttons to move through the application. Do not use the browser navigation arrow or the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the Portal.
  • To save a section, you must fill in all required fields and have no error messages.
  • An error message will appear at the top of the screen if the information you entered does not meet format requirements. The information must be entered correctly before you can proceed to the next section. Place your cursor over the text box to receive tips on how to fill out the information.
  • An error message will appear if the data entered indicates you do not meet program eligibility. You will not be able to proceed further in the application if the portal indicates you do not meet criteria.
  • If you make a change in some sections, you may be required to update a previous section you completed. You must re-sign sections L (Candidate Declaration) through O (Representative Information) if you make changes in sections A (Candidate Information) to K (Alternate Contact).

Before you start entering your application information in the portal, read the AAIP Portal Helpful Hints for tips on filling out the online application.

Fillable PDF forms do not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers.

If you are having problems opening the form, contact PDF form technical support.

Submitting documents

The portal will give you a personalized list of documents you need to upload based on the information you entered. Details on what information must be included for each document are included in the Alberta Express Entry Stream Document Checklist. Review the checklist carefully before uploading your documents.

Your list of documents may include one or more of the following forms:

There are limits on the size and type of documents you can upload and on what you can name your files. Details on these limits are set out in Section P. Document Checklist in the portal.

Finishing your online application

Once you have uploaded and reviewed your application for completeness and accuracy, you can submit the application in the portal. A file number will be provided to you in the portal and will also be listed on the MyApplications page.

You will then need to complete one more final step before your application is accepted for processing by the AAIP – you must pay the application fee.

Application fee

Fee conditions

An application fee of $840 applies to all online applications.

The AAIP application fee is non-refundable once an application has been submitted to the AAIP. Refund requests for application fees will not be considered. The application fee covers the cost of processing your application and is required whether a nomination certificate is issued or not. There is no guarantee you will be issued a nomination certificate.

Each AAIP application requires a separate application fee and the fee will not be refunded.

Paying the application fee

Instructions on how to pay your fee are available in the portal. For any online fee payment issues, contact the Service Alberta Contact Centre.

You will need to pay your fee within 24 hours of submitting your complete application in the portal. The $840 fee must be paid online using a single credit or debit card.

If you do not pay your fee within 24 hours of submitting your application, your application will be cancelled. Cancelled applications cannot be reinstated and a new application must be created and submitted.

Check the Web Application status of your application on the MyApplications page to confirm if your application fee has been paid. The Web Application status is different than the Processing Status which is also provided on the MyApplications page:

  • Your application has not been accepted for processing by the AAIP and your fee has not been paid if the Web Application status of your application is ‘Payment Pending’.
  • Your application has been accepted for processing by the AAIP if the Web Application status of your application is ‘Submitted.’ You will also receive an email from eServices with your fee payment receipt.

After you apply

Alberta Express Entry Stream pool

Your AAIP file number is available on the MyApplications page of the online portal.

Your application will go into a pool of Alberta Express Entry Stream applications. Your application may be selected for assessment. There are no processing times for Alberta Express Entry Stream applications. The AAIP has sole discretion on the order in which applications are assessed or if an application is assessed at all.

Notification of application

Emails from the AAIP will always come from an account. The Alberta government does not use email accounts such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. If you receive a suspicious email, contact your local police and report the incident to the AAIP by email at [email protected].

Update your information

Keep your application information up to date while you wait for your application to be assessed and while it is being assessed by an AAIP officer.

You must update the AAIP to:

  • correct or update information or documents in your paper or online application
  • provide required updates on your employment status, contact information (address, email address or phone number) or changes to your family status
  • provide updated or renewed work permit(s), including evidence of Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or evidence of LMIA exemption; you must maintain temporary resident status and a valid work permit with the federal government
  • update your use of a representative
  • request your application be withdrawn

How you notify the AAIP of changes will depend on how you applied to the AAIP.

Online application using AAIP portal

All updates of your contact information (except email address), employment and family information and changes to your representative must be completed in the portal. Withdrawals must also be completed in the portal.

If you need to change your email address for corresponding with the AAIP, you must update your Account.

For all other updates you must email the updated information to [email protected], along with your AAIP file number. You must advise of the update that is required and attach relevant documents. You will receive an automated email response indicating your email is received. Please keep track of the updates you send to the AAIP. The AAIP will update its internal system with changes.

Forms to notify the AAIP of updates

Withdrawing an application or updating your contact information (excluding email address), family information, employment information and representative.

Complete the online request

  • Log into the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program portal
  • On the portal main page, click on 'Create New Request'.
  • Find the AAIP application number for the application that you want to withdraw or update existing contact information.
  • Once you click on the application number, you will be directed to a page with detailed information. You can only see request options that are available to you for this application.
    • Withdrawal: If you are eligible to withdraw the application, a blue 'Withdraw Application' button will be available above the application number.
    • Update contact information: You can update contact information for all active or nominated applications.
    • Update employment information: You can update your current employment information for all active or nominated applications. Use this request to provide reference letters, LMIAs, work permits, job offers, employment contracts, pay records, Records of employment and licensing/certification documents.
    • Update family information: You can update spouse/common-law partner and dependent information for all active and nominated applications.
  • Request change of representative: You can update your representative for all applications, including withdrawn and declined applications. Click on the blue button for the type of request you want to submit.
  • Next, read the FOIP clause and other important information about completing a request. Check off the box and click on 'Continue'. A draft is automatically saved once you click on the 'Continue' button. If you experience any technical issues or leave the request section while creating the request, you will need to go the 'Check Existing Requests' page to retrieve the draft request to continue.
  • Read the information provided on submitting the request and follow the instructions to complete the request.
    • Withdrawal: Once an application is withdrawn, it cannot be re-activated. Enter your reason for requesting the withdrawal of the application.
    • Update contact information: The contact information the AAIP currently has for you is provided. To update your address and/or phone number, replace the existing information with your new information. Only update the information that is no longer correct. Do not delete any information that is still correct. Include only your contact information. Do not provide anyone else’s information, including that of your third party representative.
    • Update employment information: Check off all the changes to employment that apply and upload supporting documents.
    • Update family information: Provide details on the spouse/common-law partner and or dependent you need to add or remove from the application and upload supporting documents.
    • Request change of representative: If you are removing a representative and representing yourself, fill out the fields as directed in the portal. If you are appointing a representative or changing from one representative to another representative, read the provided AAIP Use of Representative policy and upload a signed Use of Representative form. Read the instructions in the form to determine which pages must be completed for the change to representative you are requesting.
  • Click on 'Submit Request' button.

The AAIP will review your request to withdraw and will notify you by email after the review is completed.

We will make the changes to your contact, family, employment and representative information in our internal system. Changes will only be reflected in the individual requests in the Check Existing Request section in the portal. Changes to your information will not be reflected in the online application.

Paper application submitted by mail

If you need to make updates to your application after it is submitted, you must email the updated information or change request to [email protected]. You must advise of the update or change that is required, include your AAIP file number and attach relevant documents.

If you are requesting a withdrawal of your application, you must advise of your reason for withdrawal.

Forms to notify the AAIP of updates

You will receive an automated email response indicating your email is received. You must keep track of the requests you send to the AAIP. The AAIP will update its internal system with changes.

Your application will only be considered for assessment while your federal Express Entry profile is active. Once your Express Entry profile is no longer available for nomination, you will no longer be eligible under this stream with your current application. The AAIP will send an email advising that your application has been closed. If you create a new Express Entry profile, you may be selected in future Alberta Express Entry Stream selection draws. AAIP applications are not transferable to a new Express Entry profile.

If more information is needed

An AAIP Program Officer will contact you by email or phone if more information is needed to assess your application. You must submit this information in the format requested by the Program Officer to their government email address. The only other information you should send to your assigned Program Officer is documents showing changes to your contact information, employment, work permit status or family situation.

Decision on your application

You will receive a decision on your application by email. If you identified an immigration representative to act on your behalf for your application, the decision email will be sent to you and copied to your representative.

Approved applications

If your AAIP application is approved, you will become a Provincial Nominee and receive a nomination certificate through the federal Express Entry portal. The AAIP will also email you a nomination certificate that you should keep for your records.


You must accept the nomination within 30 days after it is issued through the federal Express Entry portal in order to receive an Invitation to Apply for permanent residence from IRCC. You will only have 60 days to apply for permanent residence once the invitation is received.

If you are nominated under the Accelerated Tech Pathway and did not have a valid work permit at the time of nomination, you will also receive a 204(c) Letter of Support in your nomination package. Use your 204(c) Letter of Support to apply to IRCC for a work permit. If you had a valid work permit at the time of nomination, you will not receive a 204(c) Letter of Support in your nomination package. You will need to apply and pay for a 204(c) Letter of Support if you need one at a later time.

Read the After you are nominated section for complete details on the post-nomination process, including the steps you must take with the federal government.

If you do not accept the nomination within 30 days, your AAIP nomination will become invalid and you will have to wait to be reselected by the AAIP and submit a new application.

Declined applications

If your AAIP application is declined, you will be notified by email. If you identified an immigration representative to act on your behalf for your application, the decision email will be sent to you and copied to your representative.

Request for reconsideration

If your application is declined, read the reasons for decline. If you can demonstrate an error was made in assessing your application you may be eligible to submit a request for reconsideration.

All requests for reconsideration are subject to a service fee of $250. Information on how to pay the fee is provided below.

You may only submit one request for reconsideration per application.

Requests will not be processed until full payment is received.


You may submit a request for reconsideration on the decision of your AAIP application only if you meet the following criteria.

A request for reconsideration must:

  • be directly related to the reason(s) stated in the decision letter
  • demonstrate that an error was made in applying program criteria to the application
  • be submitted by:
    • the applicant named on the decision letter
    • a representative of the applicant
  • be submitted within 30 calendar days of the date the decision letter was issued

A request for reconsideration cannot be used:

  • to ask for an exemption or exception to program criteria
  • as an opportunity to submit new evidence or re-state the evidence submitted in the application
  • if unsatisfied with the final decision or a component of the final decision
  • to request Humanitarian and Compassionate consideration

Submit a request for reconsideration

How you submit a request for reconsideration will depend on how you applied to the AAIP.

Online application using AAIP portal

Candidates who submitted their application online using the AAIP portal must submit their request for reconsideration using the portal.

Step 1. Complete the online request

  • Log into the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program portal
  • On the portal main page, click on 'Create New Request'.
  • Find the AAIP application number for the application that you want to submit a request for reconsideration. Only applications with a status of 'Declined' or 'Withdrawn' are eligible for reconsideration.
  • Once you click on the application number, you will be directed to a page with detailed information. You can only see request options that are available to you for this application. If you are eligible to submit a request for reconsideration for the application, a blue 'Request for Reconsideration' button will be available above the application number.
  • Click on the blue 'Request for Reconsideration' button.
  • Next, read the FOIP clause and other important information about completing a request. Check off the box and click on 'Continue'. A draft is automatically saved once you click on the 'Continue' button. If you experience any technical issues or leave the request section while creating the request, you will need to go the 'Check Existing Requests' page to retrieve the draft request to continue.
  • Complete the online declaration and upload supporting documents, if applicable, and click on 'Submit Request' button.
  • Next you must pay the fee.

Step 2. Pay the fee

All requests for reconsideration are subject to a service fee of $250.

Fee conditions

The AAIP request for reconsideration fee will automatically be refunded only if the original decision on your application is overturned. Other refunds for requests for reconsideration fees will not be considered.

Online payment

Instructions on how to pay your fee are available in the portal. For any online fee payment issues, contact the Service Alberta Contact Centre.

You will need to pay your fee in full within 24 hours of submitting your request in the portal. If you do not pay your fee within 24 hours of submitting your request, your request will be cancelled. Cancelled requests cannot be reinstated and a new request must be created and submitted.

Check the Request Status of your application on the Check Existing Requests page to confirm if your request fee has been paid. Your fee has not been paid if the status is 'Payment Pending.' Your request has been accepted for processing by the AAIP if the status is 'Submitted'. You will also have an email from eServices with your fee payment receipt.

Paper application submitted by mail

Step 1. Complete the form

Download and fill out the Request for Reconsideration form.

Step 2. Pay the fee

All requests for reconsideration paid for on or after April 1, 2024 are subject to a service fee of $250.  Requests paid for before April 1, 2024 are subject to a $100 fee.

Fee conditions

The AAIP request for reconsideration fee will automatically be refunded by the AAIP only if the original decision on your application is overturned. Other refunds for requests for reconsideration fees will not be considered.

Online Payment

Pay online by debit or credit card at

Make a copy of your fee payment receipt.

For any online fee payment issues, contact the Service Alberta Contact Centre.

Step 3. Submit your request

Email your completed Request for Reconsideration form, with supporting documents and a copy of your fee payment receipt to [email protected].

If you do not include a copy of your fee payment receipt with your request, you will have 10 business days to provide proof of payment. If proof of payment is not received in 10 business days, your request will be cancelled.

After you submit a request for reconsideration

If you emailed your request, an automated email will be sent acknowledging receipt of the request.

You will not receive an email if you submitted your request online using the AAIP portal. You can check the online portal for the status of your request.

The form or online information you submitted will be reviewed and if the request meets the conditions required, an AAIP program officer who was not involved in the original decision will conduct a review of the decision on your application.

There is no guarantee that a request for reconsideration will result in your application being re-assessed.

An email with the decision on your request for reconsideration will be issued within 30 calendar days of the date the request was received.

If you do not meet the conditions listed above to request reconsideration, you may wish to review the AAIP website for information and updates to AAIP criteria, to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria to re-apply.

Forms and documents


Connect with us if you have questions about the program:

Use the Opportunity Alberta contact form