Alberta visitor profiles

Visitor profiles measure the size and status of Alberta’s tourism industry.

Tourism in Alberta 2019

Tourism in Alberta 2019 statistics were updated on March 10, 2022. Some key tourism figures showed an increase in value. This change is a result of improvements to regional data in the National Travel Survey, which now includes expenditures at the origin of the trip as well as those for air commercial transportation in Canada.

High level summary of key tourism statistics in Alberta

In 2019, Alberta saw a total of:

  • $10.1 billion in tourism expenditures
  • 34.6 million person-visits

2019 Tourism expenditures and visitation in Alberta by market

*Small sample size. Data contain high margin of error and are subject to significant year-over-year fluctuations.
Source: Statistics Canada, Visitor Travel Survey and National Travel Survey.
Market of originTourism ExpendituresPerson-visits
Canada$7.8 billion32.2 million
United States$991 million1.2 million
United Kingdom$200 million187,000
China$188 million118,000
Japan$56 million42,000
Australia$141 million106,000
Germany$114 million118,000
South Korea*$59 million52,000
The Netherlands$45 million43,000
Mexico*$22 million34,000

In 2019, tourism spending by visitors contributed to the provincial economy with:

  • 82,000 jobs (full-time equivalent employment in person years)
  • $8.4 billion in contribution to Alberta’s GDP ($5.0 billion direct, $2.0 billion indirect and $1.4 billion induced)
  • $1.3 billion in contribution from taxes on products and services, including:
    • $671 million in federal tax revenue
    • $448 million in provincial tax revenue
    • $214 million in local tax revenue

Source: Alberta Jobs, Economy and Northern Development (Statistics Canada Visitor Spending Model for Alberta – 2019 numbers)

The Government of Alberta collaborated with Statistics Canada to develop a new tourism visitor spending economic impact model for Alberta, which generates data based on visitors’ tourism spending in the province. The key indicators and assumptions from the new model differ from previous models.

Unlike previous years, the expenditures in the 2019 National Travel Survey included expenditures at the origin of the trip and those for air commercial transportation in Canada.

GDP, jobs and tax revenue data for tourism in Alberta from 2017 onwards cannot be directly compared to figures reported for 2015 and prior.

Visitor profiles by region

Visitor profiles provide information on visitor origin, purpose of trip, accommodation, length of stay, seasonality and spending in Alberta and tourism regions.


There are 2 visitor profiles for Alberta. One is a high level summary for all the visitors to Alberta and the other one is a detailed visitor profile for domestic visitors to Alberta.

Tourism region

You can find archived visitor profiles at Open Government.

The raw data for total Alberta tourism, domestic tourism, and tourism by region is also available in Excel format.

International visits and spending

See statistics on overnight person-visits and expenditures from specific countries between 2002 and 2019 while in Alberta.

Economic impact of tourism in Alberta by region

Economic impact studies provide a snapshot of an entire existing economy at a specific point in time.

It follows spending associated with tourism activity to identify changes on employment, income and government tax revenue at regional and provincial levels.

You can find archived economic impact studies at Open Government.


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