Saskatchewan – Alberta Bilateral Water Management Agreement engagement

Albertans shared feedback on the draft Bilateral Water Management Agreement between Alberta and Saskatchewan.


We gathered input on a draft bilateral water management agreement for the shared northeastern waters between Alberta and Saskatchewan in the Mackenzie River Basin. 

Your feedback will help us ensure that the agreement facilitates the management of water resources in the Mackenzie River Basin to maintain the ecological integrity of aquatic ecosystems.

Bilateral water management agreements are legally binding government-to-government agreements that serve as guides for cooperative, risk informed management of transboundary waters. The draft agreement commits to jurisdictional cooperation and information sharing, while respecting each jurisdictions own decision-making processes.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas

Get informed

This Bilateral Water Management Agreement is furthering the commitment made in 1997 to foster bilateral agreements between jurisdictions, when Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Yukon, the Northwest Territories, and Canada signed the Mackenzie River Basin Transboundary Waters Master Agreement.

Get involved

Online survey

Albertans completed an online survey between August 1 to September 16, 2024 to provide feedback on the draft Bilateral Water Management Agreement between Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Indigenous engagement

This draft agreement acknowledges and respects the importance of Indigenous knowledge in cooperative water management decisions within the basin.

Indigenous communities and organizations in northeast Alberta were contacted to provide an opportunity to share their feedback and perspectives for consideration.


Your feedback will be considered for the final agreement.

Once the final agreement has been signed with the Government of Saskatchewan, collaborative projects will be implemented to maintain ecological integrity in the aquatic ecosystems of the shared water bodies.

This agreement will help achieve the commitments under the 1997 Mackenzie River Basin Transboundary Waters Master Agreement.
