Latest updates
- Over the last 24 hours, 178 new cases were identified.
- There are 306 people in hospital due to COVID-19, including 81 in intensive care.
- There are 3,810 active cases in the province.
- To date, 223,877 Albertans have recovered from COVID-19.
- In the last 24 hours, there were six additional COVID-related deaths reported: one on Dec. 17, 2020, two on June 8, and three on June 9.
- The testing positivity rate was 3.3 per cent.
- There were 5,501 tests (4,586,127 total) completed in the last 24 hours and a total of 2,157,227 people tested overall.
- All zones across the province have cases:
- Calgary Zone: 1,523 active cases and 91,249 recovered
- South Zone: 174 active cases and 12,114 recovered
- Edmonton Zone: 1,028 active cases and 75,274 recovered
- North Zone: 588 active cases and 25,326 recovered
- Central Zone: 496 active cases and 19,901 recovered
- One active case and 13 recovered cases in zones to be confirmed
- Additional information, including case totals, is online.
- Alberta has identified 138 additional cases of variants of concern, bringing the provincial total to 47,394.
- Currently, 238 schools, about 10 per cent, are on alert or have outbreaks, with 1,827 cases in total.
- 118 schools are on alert, with 268 total cases.
- Outbreaks are declared in 120 schools, with a total of 1,559 cases.
- In-school transmission has likely occurred in 882 schools since Jan. 11. Of these, 277 have had only one new case occur as a result.
- There are currently 14 active and 9,714 recovered cases at long-term care facilities and supportive/home living sites.
- To date, 1,258 of the 2,262 reported deaths (56 per cent) have been in long-term care facilities or supportive/home living sites.
Open for Summer Plan
- Stage 2 of Alberta’s Open for Summer Plan is now in effect. Albertans can meet in groups of up to 20, enjoy indoor or outdoor dining at tables of up to six people and resume indoor fitness activities.
- Stage 3 will begin two weeks after the threshold of 70 per cent of Albertans are vaccinated with at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
Second-dose appointments open for booking
- Appointments for second doses of COVID-19 vaccine can now be booked for those who received their first dose in April or earlier.
- Albertans will be able to schedule second-dose appointments in the order they received their first doses.
- Albertans who received a first dose of AstraZeneca can choose AstraZeneca or an mRNA for their second dose.
COVID-19 vaccination program
- As of June 9, 3,215,144 doses have been administered in Alberta.
- 67.8 per cent of eligible Albertans aged 12-plus have now received at least one dose and 16.7 per cent are fully vaccinated with two doses.
- Legislation allows Albertans up to three hours of paid, job-protected leave to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
- Albertans are able to track vaccination rates in their local geographic area.
Continuing care
- Restrictions have eased for continuing care residents who have been vaccinated and are returning after trips outside the facility.
- Rules for visitors to continuing care facilities have also been updated.
Masking exceptions for health conditions
- The rules around exemptions from wearing a mask due to a medical condition have changed. Individuals are now required to obtain a medical exception letter verifying their health condition from an authorized health-care provider.
- The medical exception letter must come from a nurse practitioner, physician or psychologist. It may be presented when in a public setting, if requested by enforcement officials or retrospectively in court if a ticket is issued.
Enforcement of public health measures
- Fines for non-compliance with public health measures have doubled to $2,000.
- Unpaid fines are backstopped with stronger fine collection actions and restrictions on registry services. For example, a person may have to pay their outstanding fine before they can renew their driver’s licence.
- Repeat offenders will be targeted with a new multi-agency enforcement framework.
Rapid testing
- The province has launched a rapid testing partnership with Alberta Chambers of Commerce.
- Businesses and service providers are no longer required to have a health-care provider oversee their rapid testing program.
- Rapid tests are available for employers.
COVID Care Teams outreach
- If you or others in your home have been directed to self-isolate/quarantine by Alberta Health Services and are unable to do so safely at home, please contact 211 to discuss options, including accessing an assigned hotel to safely isolate (free of charge). Financial assistance may also be available in the amount of $625, upon completion of the self-isolation period.
Albertans downloading tracer app
- All Albertans are encouraged to download the secure ABTraceTogether app, which is integrated with provincial contact tracing. The federal app is not a contact tracing app.
- Secure contact tracing is an effective tool to stop the spread by notifying people who were exposed to a confirmed case so they can isolate and be tested.
- As of June 7, 315,170 Albertans were using the ABTraceTogether app, 69 per cent on iOS and 31 per cent on Android.
MyHealth Records quick access
- Parents and guardians can access the COVID-19 test results for children under the age of 18 through MyHealth Records (MHR) as soon as they are ready.
- More than 600,000 Albertans have MHR accounts.
Addiction and mental health supports
- Confidential supports are available. The Mental Health Help Line at 1-877-303-2642 and the Addiction Help Line at 1-866-332-2322 operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Resources are also available online.
- The Kids Help Phone is available 24-7 and offers professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people by texting CONNECT to 686868.
- Online resources provide advice on handling stressful situations and ways to talk with children.
Family violence prevention
- A 24-hour Family Violence Information Line at 310-1818 provides anonymous help in more than 170 languages.
- Alberta’s One Line for Sexual Violence is available at 1-866-403-8000, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- People fleeing family violence can call local police or the nearest RCMP detachment to apply for an Emergency Protection Order, or follow the steps in the Emergency Protection Orders Telephone Applications (COVID-19).
- Information sheets and other resources on family violence prevention are at
Alberta’s government is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by protecting lives and livelihoods with precise measures to bend the curve, sustain small businesses and protect Alberta’s health-care system.
Quick facts
- Legally, all Albertans must physically distance and isolate when sick or with symptoms.
- Good hygiene is your best protection: wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, cough or sneeze into an elbow or sleeve, and dispose of tissues appropriately.
- Alberta Connects Contact Centre (310-4455) is open Monday to Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.