Alberta Joint Working Group on MMIWG

Input was collected on government’s action plan to address the Calls for Justice of the National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG).


The Alberta Joint Working Group on MMIWG was appointed to provide advice, direction and input into the Alberta government’s proposed action plan to address the calls for justice contained in the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Indigenous women in Canada are 3 times more likely to be victims of violence than non-Indigenous women. In Alberta, 206 Indigenous women were murdered between 1980 and 2012 – accounting for 28% of all female homicide victims in that time period.

By addressing the calls for justice, we can build an Alberta where Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ peoples are valued, respected, and are safe to lead lives filled with hope and promise.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Indigenous Relations

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Culture

Input received

From March 5, 2020 to December 23, 2021, the Alberta Joint Working Group on Missing and Murdered Women and Girls engaged with Indigenous community members, agencies and organizations and developed advice and recommendations to inform government actions.


The working group delivered their final report, 113 Pathways to Justice, to the Alberta government on December 23, 2021.

On June 3, 2022, the Alberta government announced its response to the National Inquiry into MMIWG. 

The new Premier's Council on MMIWG will guide, inform and track the progress of our actions. The Alberta MMIWG Roadmap will guide government initiatives to address violence and increase safety and economic security of Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people.

Learn more about how we are working together to create a better future for Indigenous women, girls and 2S+ people in Alberta.


The working group’s report will inform government actions to address:

  • issues of violence and the calls for justice
  • violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people
  • opportunities for collaboration with Indigenous organizations, other governments and the private sector to leverage actions


The working group included Indigenous community experts who have experience advocating for rights of women and helping women who are victims of violence.

The working group also included Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) who have a significant number of Indigenous people among their constituents and are aware of issues Indigenous peoples of Alberta face.

Lisa Higgerty

Lisa Higgerty is a former chair of the Métis Women’s Council on Economic Security. More than 15 years ago, Lisa started a career advocating for the victims of sexual abuse, resulting in the Mamowichihitowin program, an innovative holistic program in rural Alberta unique to Canada. Under her leadership, the program’s mandate was expanded to cover all types of domestic violence in west-central Alberta. 

Rachelle Venne

Rachelle Venne is the CEO of the Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women with experience in the non-profit, corporate and government sectors. She was a member of End Poverty Edmonton’s Aboriginal Roundtable and Implementation Road Map Team and one of six Canadian NGO delegates selected to attend the UN Commission on the Status of Women in 2017.

Josie Nepinak

Josie Nepinak is the executive director of Awo Taan Healing Lodge Society, the only urban Indigenous women’s shelter in Alberta. She has a strong background supporting Indigenous women and families dealing with family violence and facing complex social issues. She has a degree in women's studies. Josie believes in a balanced approach that combines Indigenous wisdom and healing with contemporary western methodologies to promote the health and well-being of First Nations, Inuit and Métis individuals, families and communities.

Suzanne Life-Yeomans

Suzanne Life-Yeomans is co-chair of the First Nations Women’s Council on Economic Security. Suzanne has more than 20 years experience working with First Nation communities. Her focus has been on ensuring First Nations Treaty and Aboriginal Rights are not infringed upon. She is a strong advocate for supporting Indigenous women to thrive in every situation. Suzanne has a Master in Business Administration, and pursues lifelong learning.

Martin Long

Martin Long was elected to represent the constituency of West Yellowhead on April 16, 2019. He is currently a member of the Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services and the Standing Committee on Families and Communities. Prior to his election, he worked as an operator for Alberta Newsprint in Whitecourt for nine years.
