Alberta Emergency Alert - Wildfire Alert Updated

Critical: Wildfire - Parts of Alberta (Updated Jun 03, 2019 at 10:05 AM)

Critical: Wildfire - Parts of Alberta

Updated Jun 03, 2019 at 10:05 AM

Source: Alberta Emergency Management Agency On Behalf of Mackenzie County

Issued: Jun 03, 2019 at 10:05 AM

Description: Alberta Emergency Alert - Wildfire Alert Updated

Update of June 3: There are out of control wildfires in Mackenzie County, and the public must be cautious and keep updated on these wildfires. The area west of Blues Creek, west of Blue Hills Rd., also known as Range Rd. 180, and north of Township Rd. 1030 and La Crete Ferry Campground to the Peace River, remain evacuated, under an evacuation order, and the public must stay out of this area.

All persons who have evacuated this area must attend the reception centre at the Heritage Centre on Township Rd. 1060, in La Crete to register and receive further information. If you are unable to attend the Centre to register you may register by calling 780-927-3718. For added information listen to the local community radio broadcasts or follow Mackenzie County Facebook page for more evacuation and County updates. Air Quality - Government of Canada – Public Weather Alerts for Alberta - can be found on this website. Check for more information on road conditions. Additional Wildfire information is also available at website. Government of Alberta website.

Area: Mackenzie #23

Affected areas (15):

  • High Level
  • Mackenzie No. 23
  • Rainbow Lake
  • Fox Lake 162
  • John d'Or Prairie 215
  • Tall Cree 173
  • Tall Cree 173A
  • Beaver Ranch 163
  • Boyer 164
  • Child Lake 164A
  • Hay Lake 209
  • Bushe River 207
  • Upper Hay River 212
  • Carcajou 187
  • Fort Vermillion 173B

Action to take:

  • Some areas remain evacuated within Mackenzie County and the public must stay out of these areas, as they are not safe
  • There are wildfires still burning in the County area and the public must keep updated regarding wildfire information and location
  • Heavy smoke in some areas of the County will create driving and breathing concerns
  • Go to the County Facebook page for updated wildfire information.

Additional information:

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