Budget 2024 protects the environment and safeguards communities and the economy from challenges like wildfires, floods and drought.

“We have a responsible plan that will help protect Albertans and their communities from situations like natural disasters. Ensuring Alberta can continue on its path of growth and prosperity was at top of mind developing Budget 2024.”

Nate Horner, President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance

Budget 2024 highlights – responsible resource management

Last summer’s wildfires, floods and drought conditions affected many parts of Alberta. Budget 2024 protects Albertans and their communities through major investments in wildfire prevention and firefighting services, flood and drought mitigation projects. This includes:

  • $251 million in capital funding over three years for flood and drought mitigation projects to protect Albertans, properties and businesses.
  • $539 million in capital funding over three years for municipal and regional water and wastewater projects, including the Water for Life strategy.
  • $151 million in additional operating dollars over the next three years to improve Alberta’s wildfire response readiness, enhance night operations, support volunteer and community wildfire response programs, provide additional airtanker support and provide additional resources to fight wildfires.
  • $55 million in capital funding over three years to upgrade or purchase new wildfire fighting equipment and facilities.
  • $19 million to create a modern, 21st century water strategy to increase water availability through water storage projects, conservation, data systems and stronger water policies.
  • $418 million in capital funding over three years for infrastructure projects to manage water, including:
    • $262 million for irrigation projects to support farmers and agriculture producers.
    • $147 million for water infrastructure projects to ensure necessary irrigation water supply throughout the province.
    • $10 million for feasibility studies to explore options for water storage in the Waterton, Belly and St. Mary basins, and Ardley.

“We are preparing for the 2024 wildfire season by investing in prevention, response and mitigation programming. These investments will directly equip Alberta’s wildland firefighters with the tools they need to help keep Albertans and their communities safe.”

Todd Loewen, Minister of Forestry and Parks

“We are making critical investments to protect, conserve and maximize water in Alberta. These measures will help keep communities safe during emergencies while keeping families in their homes and businesses open during droughts and floods.”

Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas

“As we face what may be another tough year for Alberta’s agriculture industry, Budget 2024 is looking to the future to see where new water projects are possible while ensuring our existing infrastructure continues to be well-maintained to provide water security for Albertans.”

RJ Sigurdson, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation

Budget 2024 highlights – community safety

Albertans deserve to feel safe in their communities, whether they are at their homes, studying at school or commuting to work. Budget 2024 helps promote a safe environment so Albertans feel secure, welcomed and valued through:

  • $49 million in capital funding over three years to better support first responders and sheriffs by providing them with the equipment and facilities they need to protect Albertans.
  • $10 million in 2024-25 to support 100 police officers deployed to high-crime areas in Calgary and Edmonton through the Safe Streets Action Plan.
  • $8 million in community-based grants to continue addressing crime prevention, community safety and hate crimes.
  • $85 million in operating expense to the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence program, an increase of $5 million from the 2023-24 budget, to support victims and women at risk of assault.

Alberta’s government is also working closely with municipalities, Indigenous leaders and first responders so vulnerable people have access to shelter and housing, health care and recovery-oriented services.

“Albertans have a right to feel safe working and living in their communities, and this budget makes sure we can put the right resources in place to ensure public safety across this province. Additional investments to improve public safety – including supports for police and investments to strengthen Alberta’s response during a disaster – will help meet urgent needs while we lay the groundwork to deliver other public safety priorities over the next three years.”

Mike Ellis, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services

Budget 2024 is a responsible plan to strengthen health care and education, build safe and supportive communities, manage the province’s resources wisely and promote job creation to continue to build Alberta’s competitive advantage.

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Le nouveau budget du gouvernement provincial pour l’année prochaine permettra à la population albertaine de rester à l’abri des dangers tels que les incendies de forêt, les inondations et la sécheresse.

De plus, il permet de recruter davantage de policiers.

Les incendies de forêt, les inondations et la sécheresse de l’été dernier ont touché de nombreuses régions de l’Alberta. Le budget 2024 protège les Albertains, les Albertaines et leurs communautés grâce à des investissements majeurs dans la prévention des incendies de forêt et les services de lutte contre les incendies, ainsi que dans des projets d’atténuation des inondations et de la sécheresse. Ce nombre comprend notamment ce qui suit :

  • 251 millions de dollars de financement sur trois ans dans des projets d’atténuation des inondations et de la sécheresse afin de protéger la population albertaine, leurs biens et leurs entreprises.
  • 539 millions de dollars sur trois ans consacrés à des projets municipaux et régionaux dans le domaine de l’eau et des eaux usées.
  • 151 millions de dollars supplémentaires en crédits de fonctionnement au cours des trois prochaines années pour améliorer l’état de préparation de l’Alberta en matière de lutte contre les incendies de forêt.
  • 55 millions de dollars sur trois ans dans de nouveaux équipements et de nouvelles infrastructures de lutte contre les incendies de forêt.
  • 418 millions de dollars dans des projets d’infrastructure visant à gérer les eaux de surface, notamment de nouveaux projets d’irrigation pour aider les agriculteurs

Pour aider les Albertains et les Albertaines à se sentir en sécurité dans leurs communautés, le plan financier prévoit ce qui suit :

  • 49 millions de dollars pour de nouveaux équipements et de nouvelles installations destinés aux services de police et aux premiers intervenants;
  • 10 millions de dollars pour recruter 100 agents de police dans les zones à forte criminalité de Calgary et d’Edmonton dans le cadre du plan d’action pour des rues sans danger (Safe Streets Action Plan);
  • 8 millions de dollars de subventions pour la prévention de la criminalité, la sécurité des communautés et les crimes de haine;
  • 85 millions de dollars pour soutenir les victimes de violences familiales et les femmes menacées d’agression.

« Les Albertains et les Albertaines ont le droit de se sentir en sécurité lorsqu’ils et elles travaillent et vivent dans leurs communautés. Ce budget nous permet de mettre en place les ressources nécessaires pour garantir la sécurité publique dans toute la province. »

Mike Ellis, ministre de la Sécurité publique et des Services d’urgence
