Budget 2022 invests $789.4 million in this year’s Capital Plan for roads and bridges. A number of major capital projects will be completed this year, including:
- Highway 19 twinning, west segment – fall 2022
- Highway 15 twinning and new bridge – fall 2022
- Peace River bridge deck replacement project – fall 2022
“We are building and maintaining the important infrastructure that makes Alberta a strong and vibrant place to live, raise a family and grow a business. I would also like to stress that while this work is going on, drivers need to be patient as they obey signs and speed reductions while driving through a construction zone.”
Budget 2022 also invests just over $597 million in this year’s Provincial Construction Program, which focuses on projects that will preserve the lifespan of critical highway infrastructure, including bridge construction, bridge deck joint replacements and repaving highways.
Projects have been identified in all regions of the province:
- 75 in central region
- 80 in north central/Fort McMurray regions
- 73 in Peace region
- 80 in southern region
“The benefits stemming from the Alberta government’s infrastructure investments will not only enhance public safety but play a major role in the region’s economic recovery. These infrastructure investments will create jobs, open up investment opportunities and allow more people and goods – including oversized loads, which are critical to businesses in Nisku – to move through the region.”
“Investing in road construction and maintenance represents excellent value for taxpayers because improved transportation systems are critical to Alberta’s exports and economic growth. This significant contribution will sustain jobs and economic benefits to communities.”
Planning continues for several capital projects, including:
- Highway 3 twinning – Construction is expected to start in 2023.
- Highway 1A and Highway 22 interchange at Cochrane – Construction is expected to start in 2023.
- Highway 11 twinning – Work has begun on Phase 1 of the project, which will include the construction of roundabouts at Highway 781 and Range Road 15. Phase 2 of the project is expected to begin early next year.
- Trans-Canada Highway Wildlife Overpass – Construction is underway, with completion scheduled for fall 2023.
Stay up to date on highway improvement projects and traffic conditions at 511.alberta.ca.
Quick facts
- Alberta has a vast provincial highway network that includes more than 31,400 kilometres of highways (equivalent to nearly 64,000 lane kilometres), of which:
- almost 28,000 kilometres are paved roads
- almost 2,800 centreline kilometres are four-lane or six-lane divided highways
- The highway network includes about 4,600 bridge structures, including river crossing bridges, overpasses and culverts.
- Alberta Transportation typically paves about 1,000 kilometres of highway every year and rehabilitates or replaces about 50 bridges.