The charges relate to an April 2017 incident in which excavated fill contaminated with hexavalent chromium, a hazardous substance, was deposited on City of Calgary property.
Under statements of agreed facts, the accused parties each pleaded guilty to single counts under the act. The charges and sentences follow:
Hussein Amery pleaded guilty to knowingly providing false or misleading information to an Alberta Environment and Parks investigator, an offence contrary to Section 227(a) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, and was sentenced to a fine of $10,000 and a victim fine surcharge of $1,500.
Superior Concrete Systems Ltd. pleaded guilty to failing to dispose of hazardous waste in accordance with environmental legislation, an offence under Section 192 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, and was fined $20,000 and levied a victim fine surcharge of $4,000.
Ziad El-Bittar pleaded guilty to failing to dispose of hazardous waste in accordance with environmental legislation, an offence under Section 192 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, and was sentenced to a fine of $25,000 and a victim fine surcharge of $3,750.
All other charges related to this matter were withdrawn.
Quick facts
- The Government of Alberta relies on the public to report environmental spills and releases or environmental emergencies. To report these types of incidents, please call the 24-hour EDGE (Environmental and Dangerous Goods Emergencies) hotline at 1-800-222-6514.
- Alberta Environment and Parks focuses on education, prevention and enforcement to ensure all Albertans continue to enjoy a clean and healthy environment.
- When individuals, companies, or municipalities fail to comply with environmental legislation, Alberta Environment and Parks has a range of options, depending on the offence, to ensure compliance.