The Commercial Vehicle Dimension and Weight Regulation specifies the legal size, weight and configuration limits for commercial vehicles on Alberta roads. The limits in the regulation have not been updated in decades and do not reflect modern vehicle configurations and equipment.
As a result, commercial drivers in Alberta have to obtain permits for equipment that is allowed in most other jurisdictions, including trucks hauling multiple vehicles, mobile treatment centres, toter-homes, and wide-base single tires. Alberta Transportation routinely grants these permits for standard equipment, making them redundant.
Updating the regulation means commercial carriers will no longer have to get permits for some standard equipment and practices.
“Cutting red tape and getting rid of barriers that keep Albertans from getting their jobs done is a fundamental part of Alberta’s Recovery Plan to create jobs and get Albertans back to work. We issue these permits virtually every time someone applies for them because the regulations include outdated vehicle weights and dimensions. Rather than making job creators apply for an outdated permit every time they need one, it makes more sense to simply update the regulations to reflect today’s truck configurations – and eliminate 10,000 permits in the process.”
“This is another step Alberta’s government is taking to make it easier to do business in our province. By cutting red tape and updating this outdated regulation, we’re saving truckers and companies both time and money so they can stay focused on creating jobs and supporting our economy.”
“Trucking is an essential service, and demand is growing as commerce shifts online. The safe and efficient movement of goods across our province is critical to Alberta's economic recovery. These changes reflect the types of innovation that are driving the future of the transportation industry. Ensuring regulations keep pace with advances in technology, training, and standard business practices makes the commercial trucking industry more resilient and more efficient.”
“We applaud the Alberta government for the reduction of red tape policies impacting carriers like Rosenau, who bring innovative solutions to lessen the environmental footprint while improving on-road safety and efficiency. These changes are welcome and deliver consistency between provincial and municipal roadways, creating an environment of effective trade corridors for the industry driving the Alberta economy.”
“Solutions like new generation wide-base single tires offer improved stability, safety, better miles per gallon (reduced green house gases) and fewer tires in our landfills.”
Alberta’s government is helping create thousands of good jobs for Albertans by building schools, roads and other core infrastructure that benefits Albertans and communities. It will further diversify our economy by helping sectors grow and succeed and return investment to our province by ensuring we have the most competitive tax environment in Canada.
Quick facts
- By Jan. 1, 2021, more than 15,000 outdated provincial commercial carrier permits will have been eliminated to streamline processes and reduce costs for carriers while maintaining safety.
- Alberta is home to about 25,000 commercial carriers and 136,000 commercial vehicles.
- Transportation and warehousing contribute $11.2 billion annually to Alberta’s GDP and accounts for 5.4 per cent of the province’s jobs.