The City of Edmonton admitted in Provincial Court in Edmonton that its licensed pesticide applicators applied the pesticide Hyvar XL along a walkway in a residential area. The product’s label states that it is not to be used in residential areas.
All remaining charges against the city were withdrawn.
Penalty will fund three creative sentences
The court ordered that a portion of the penalty be used to fund three creative sentencing projects. The projects include:
- Creation of two new eco-islands within the Wagner Natural Area in Parkland County.
- A University of Alberta-led study of biological control potential for slugs.
- Updating of the Identification Guide for Alberta Invasive Plants and the Be Plant Wise brochures; a sub project will include using goats to remove invasive plants in the North Saskatchewan watershed.
Quick facts
- The Government of Alberta relies on the public to report environmental spills and releases or environmental emergencies. To report these types of incidents, please call the 24-hour EDGE (Environmental and Dangerous Goods Emergencies) hotline at 1-800-222-6514.
- Alberta Environment and Parks focuses on education, prevention and enforcement to ensure all Albertans continue to enjoy a clean and healthy environment.
- When individuals, companies, or municipalities fail to comply with environmental legislation, Environment and Parks has a range of options, depending on the offence, to ensure compliance.