Companies that propose oil, gas, mining, forestry or similar projects that could disturb Crown land are responsible for managing consultation with affected Indigenous communities. The Government of Alberta’s Aboriginal Consultation Office ensures each of those consultations meets provincial requirements.

To be sure Indigenous communities have the capacity to continue this work during the COVID-19 pandemic, Aboriginal Consultation Office staff will reach out to community contacts where states of local emergency have been declared.

“The Government of Alberta’s first priority during the COVID-19 crisis is ensuring public health and safety. We will consider consultation timeline pauses on a case-by-case basis for Indigenous communities that request it of the Aboriginal Consultation Office. We can practise proven public health measures while keeping much-needed projects moving forward.”

Rick Wilson, Minister of Indigenous Relations

Consultation pauses will last as long as the chief medical officer of health’s recommendation for self-isolation remains in place and may be reassessed after that for an extension.

Visit the Indigenous consultation notices page on to see current consultation pauses.

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