Alberta Emergency Alert - Winter Storm Alert + Hwy 599 Closure east of Castor

Advisory: Winter Storm (Issued Oct 02, 2017 at 07:49 PM)

Advisory: Winter Storm

Issued Oct 02, 2017 at 07:49 PM

Source: County of Paintearth No. 18

Issued: Oct 02, 2017 at 07:49 PM


Description: Alberta Emergency Alert - Winter Storm Alert + Hwy 599 Closure east of Castor

Heavy snowfall today combined with blowing conditions created hazardous conditions. Snow and ice buildup has caused hazardous driving conditions and vehicles being stranded in the Bulwark area. Hwy 599 and Range Roads 122 area are affected, vehicles trapped.

Hwy 599 east of Castor, and east of hwy 36 thru to Sec Hwy 872 is temporarily closed to vehicular traffic. Extreme winds and heavy snowfall has blocked the road, causing some large tractor trailer units to run off road, and block passage. Vehicles are in snow ruts, cannot turn around to retreat. RCMP and Fire Dept's cannot attend further as emergency vehicles get stuck enroute. Efforts from local farmers with 4WD tractors to stabilize dangerous goods semi trailer loads underway. County forces still attempting to open up local roads, detours not yet avail.

Action to take:

  • Travellers are to AVOID the section of Hwy 599 and stay off local roads
  • Vehicles stuck in the traffic logjam are advised to keep ventilation fresh, shelter in vehicle, stay warm
  • If residents in Bulwark have access to snowmachines and able to rescue and house overnight guests, help is encouraged
  • Hwy may open in morn once plows and graders become available.

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