“This week is a time for raising awareness of the serious challenges affecting Albertans who are impacted by eating disorders.

“Eating disorders are not a choice. Eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and others, are a serious psychiatric illness with complex causes. Unfortunately, they’re often misunderstood, unrecognized or left untreated, leading to devastating physical and psychological impacts.

“It’s crucial we talk about eating disorders and ensure Albertans know help is available. This is especially important for teens suffering from eating disorders, who are at even higher risk of health complications because they’re still in the early stages of physical development.

“Alberta’s government has invested in more treatment beds so more people can access the help they need. Albertans can access services for eating disorders that range in intensity from consultations with clinicians providing psychoeducation to inpatient treatment programs with medical and psychiatric services.

“With the right care and support, recovery from eating disorders is possible, leading to a better quality of life. If you or someone you love is struggling with an eating disorder, help is available. Call or text 211 Alberta to connect with digital supports and local services in your community or visit the Eating Disorder Support Network of Alberta online for more information on support and treatment options.”

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