2/2024 |
PUBLIC SERVICE ACT (sections 11 and 14) - Effective January 25, 2024, amends Order in Council numbered O.C. 237/2022 in Appendix 3 in Salary Range A of Schedule 2 by adding the position of “Associate Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Relations”. |
3/2024 |
PUBLIC SERVICE ACT (section 25.2) - Effective January 25, 2024, amends Order in Council numbered O.C. 333/2021 in the Appendix by adding the position of “Associate Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Relations”. |
4/2024 |
GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION ACT (section 4 and Schedule 9, section 1(2) and (3)); PUBLIC SERVICE ACT (section 18) - Effective January 25, 2024, appoints Sherri Wilson as Deputy Minister of Environment and Protected Areas, Katarzyna Piquette as Associate Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Relations and David Skene as Deputy Chief, Policy Coordination; effective January 29, 2024, rescinds the appointment of Susanne Stushnoff, K.C., as Deputy Attorney General and appoints Malcolm Lavoie as Deputy Minister of Justice and, by operation of section 1(2) of Schedule 9 to the Government Organization Act, Malcolm Lavoie is the Deputy Attorney General. |
Orders in Council can now be viewed on the King's Printer website at: https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/507.cfm