In Alberta, pesticide must be applied in a safe and effective manner that does not affect other people or the environment. The pesticides are not allowed to be sprayed where the drift could reach human habitation. Buffer zones between target and non-target locations are required, and windspeed limits apply.
On Aug.30, 2021, Bravo was observed performing aerial pesticide application of Roundup Transorb HC and Heat LQ. The aircraft was not registered as required under the pesticide regulations. A nearby farmer saw the Bravo plane pass over a neighbour’s field and felt a mist on her face. She later sought medical attention and noticed vegetation damage on her property.
Bravo pleaded guilty to one count of commencing or continuing any activity that is designated by the regulations as requiring a registration without holding the required registration contrary to Sections 61 and 227(j) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. All remaining charges were withdrawn.
Bravo was sentenced to pay a $10,000 penalty inclusive of the victim surcharge.
Quick facts
- More than 7,000 pesticide products containing more than 600 active ingredients are registered for use in Canada.
- Pesticide legislation in Alberta requires certification and registration to ensure that pesticide service providers are trained and knowledgeable in the safe and lawful application of pesticides to prevent negative impacts on human health and the environment.
- Alberta Environment and Protected Areas conducts routine inspections and responds to complaints about improper pesticide management.
- If you have information about a spill, release or emergency that could damage the environment, call 1-800-222-6514, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.