In her letter, the Premier outlines her expectations that Alberta continues to be the economic and job creation engine of Canada and asks Minister Jones to deliver on platform commitments to support Albertans, including:
- Working with the ministers of Treasury Board and Finance as well as Forestry and Parks to develop programs similar to the Agri-Processing Investment Tax Credit that incentivizes investment in forestry and other manufacturing sectors.
- Working with partner organizations, including regional economic development alliances, to enhance wayfinding services and other business attraction initiatives for investments under approximately $50 million.
- Introducing a one-time “Alberta is Calling” attraction bonus of at least $1,200 to workers in skilled trades and professions where there are labour shortages in Alberta, including health care, child care and trades.
- Consulting with Alberta private sector unions on ways to reduce red tape in aspects of Bill 32 that made it unduly onerous for unions to make charitable donations.
The Premier also tasks Minister Jones with:
- Working directly with each economic ministry across government to design a ministry-specific job attraction strategy that raises awareness for young Albertans (aged 16 to 24) and adults changing careers regarding the skilled trades and professions available in each economic sector, including pathways for education, apprenticeship and training.
- Under the Premier’s direction, advancing and defending Alberta's interests with the federal government in negotiations, implementation and management of international trade agreements.
- In collaboration with other ministries and Alberta investment attraction partners, ensuring Alberta is a highly competitive destination for job-creating international and domestic investments through effective and client-centred programs and policies.
- Promoting Alberta’s trade interests on the global stage and supporting Alberta businesses to diversify into new international markets through programs, services and international trade missions.
- In collaboration with other ministries, seeking solutions to Alberta’s labour market shortages in key sectors such as technology, agriculture, construction, health care and others.
- Working in concert with the economic development ministries to remove barriers to the growth and development of Alberta's airports, with special attention to regional airports (i.e., Grande Prairie, Fort McMurray, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat) that can help Albertans connect themselves and their goods to major international airports and increase our province’s economic competitiveness.
- Working with the Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women, who is the lead, to continue growing Alberta’s cultural industries, including focusing on Alberta-made productions and supporting Alberta producers and companies in developing Alberta content.
“Alberta continues to be the economic and job creation engine of Canada. My work as jobs, economy and trade minister will be focused on growing and diversifying the economy, promoting Alberta as the best place to live, work and raise a family, and ensuring healthy and safe workplaces.”