“On Feb. 3, firearms owners across Canada breathed a sigh of relief when it appeared that federal government MPs opted to withdraw amendments to Bill C-21 that would ban hundreds of thousands of shotguns and rifles.
“Minutes later, Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino released a statement on Twitter that made it clear the federal government’s decision to withdraw the amendments was merely a pause in their campaign to ban shotguns and rifles commonly used by hunters, farmers, sport shooters and Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
“The statement continued to derisively refer to common rifles and shotguns as ‘assault-style weapons.’ Minister Mendicino added that he is now drafting ‘…a clear solution.’
“Law-abiding firearms owners know that this is thinly worded code signalling Minister Mendicino’s intent to continue to pursue avenues to ban widely owned shotguns and rifles.
“Alberta has been leading the charge in responding to the federal government’s efforts to criminalize law-abiding firearms owners. In September, Alberta announced it would challenge federal plans to conscript the RCMP to implement the firearms confiscation program.
“It is becoming increasingly clear that further action will need to be taken to respond to the federal government’s hostility towards hunters, farmers, sport shooters and Indigenous Peoples.”