To support the region as a driving force in Alberta’s economy, the government has provided the City of Edmonton with $4 million to invest in the city’s downtown core.
Alberta’s government is committed to Edmonton’s prosperity. This includes the creation of a cabinet task force to tackle Edmonton social issues, and ongoing investments to improve access to addiction services and address homelessness.
This funding will support projects that highlight Edmonton’s downtown as a welcoming place where businesses and communities can thrive. The government is also providing $1 million to support the Edmonton Downtown Business Association’s marketing initiatives to attract people and businesses.
“The Renewed Alberta Advantage is building excitement in the Edmonton metro region. Between a business-friendly environment and Alberta’s highly skilled workforce, leading-edge companies are bringing their culture of innovation to our capital. This funding demonstrates our commitment to support creative, local solutions to help restore the vibrancy of Edmonton’s downtown as a premiere destination to live, work and play.”
The City of Edmonton is using the funding to celebrate its downtown core as an attractive destination through activities like live events, branding and promotion, graffiti removal, and enhanced cleaning and snow removal. It is also supporting the Edmonton Downtown Business Association’s program to help downtown retailers with marketing, start-up expenses and contracting consultants.
“Downtown Edmonton is the heart of our city. It is a place where commerce, diversity and creativity flourish. It’s a place for everyone to gather to celebrate, share ideas, learn, trade and innovate. This welcome investment will help enhance the vibrancy and liveability of our downtown, which is critical to attracting highly skilled talent and new capital to Edmonton.”
To address the shortage of talent in high-demand areas of the economy, including Edmonton’s skilled tech companies, Alberta’s government is investing $171 million over three years to create nearly 10,000 post-secondary seats across the system. More than 2,000 of those seats are in technology, with many focused on computer science and artificial intelligence (AI). These investments are helping to strengthen and diversify Alberta’s economy while creating more jobs and opportunities for Albertans.
“As part of the Edmonton Metro Region Economic Recovery committee, I’ve been focused on the steps our government can take to support greater Edmonton business growth. We’re seeing a lot of momentum built in the Edmonton region and this funding will ensure that Edmontonians can pursue prosperity. Helping support Edmonton’s downtown core is a huge step towards recognizing Edmonton as a preferred destination to live, work, and play.”
The Edmonton Downtown Business Association is using its portion of the funding to host a major public event to attract more visitors to the downtown core, develop murals to help beautify the area, and support retail pop-up spaces, marketing and start-up expenses for retailers in the downtown core.
“The Edmonton Downtown Business Association is grateful and so excited about the Government of Alberta’s partnership and investment in the revitalization of our downtown through this grant funding. By delivering $1 million in grant funding to us at the EDBA, the government is enabling us to do what we do best – create vibrancy, stimulate economic activity and improve the overall downtown experience at the ground level and in direct collaboration with the downtown business community and our many partners. The impact of these dollars will be very tangible and visible in 2023 and beyond.”
Over the past three years, the Edmonton Metropolitan Region has become a thriving hub for hydrogen, petrochemicals and technology. With the support of Alberta’s investment attracting policies, and one of the world’s top-rated universities for AI, today’s innovators are choosing Alberta’s capital region.
This additional funding builds on the Government of Alberta’s continuing support for the greater Edmonton region and downtown core. Between investments to assist those experiencing homeless, help for people dealing with addiction, and efforts to reduce racism and support cultural communities, Alberta’s government is supporting Edmonton’s return to the “city of champions.”