Every year, tens of thousands of Albertans visit the Legislature grounds to picnic, wade in the pools, walk, and attend community, educational, and religious events.
To help visitors continue to create lasting memories on the grounds, Alberta’s government is preparing to renovate the north plaza grounds of the Legislature. The project will improve the walkways and concrete decking around the water features, refurbish the reflecting pool and ornamental dome fountain, and completely redesign the terraced wading pool.
Albertans will be asked to choose their favourite design from three different concepts for the terraced wading pool area, including which elements and features are the most important to them. This feedback will help to inform the final design.
“We are ensuring that the Legislature water features are accessible, safe, and fun for all Albertans to visit and enjoy. I am excited to see the direction Albertans choose for our new wading pool.”
“Visiting the pools and fountains at the Legislature grounds are a summer highlight for many Albertans, and I am thrilled that this project is taking the input of Albertans into consideration as part of the design process.”
Have Your Say
Alberta’s government is encouraging everyone to look at the three design concepts and complete a short survey to highlight their favourite design and the features that are important to them.
From January 12 to 27, Albertans can provide their input online. Additionally, Albertans can access the same survey via QR codes from poster boards located around the Legislature grounds.
The results of this engagement will be compiled and posted online prior to the start of construction on the terraced wading pool area.
Quick Facts
The dome fountain and reflecting and wading pools have been closed to the public since 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and mechanical system and public safety issues.
$20 million is being invested into renewing or replacing the Alberta legislature grounds water features and walkways
$10 million through the Alberta government’s Budget 2022 Capital Plan
$10 million through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP), with $8 million from the Government of Canada and $2 million from the Alberta government
Construction for this project is anticipated to begin in spring 2023, with completion expected in 2024.