Rettie entered a guilty plea on Dec. 20 to one count of contravening a term or condition of a licence under Section 142(1)(e) of the Water Act for failing to monitor and record the total number of cubic metres of water diverted from production wells.
He was sentenced to a $2,500 fine, inclusive of the victim surcharge, plus a two-year probation order.
Quick facts
A separate related matter is still before the courts.
The Criminal Code allows prosecutors the flexibility to ensure guilty pleas are entered as best describing an offence. Upon entry of a guilty plea, the judge can impose the sentence they determine appropriate.
Alberta’s Water Act supports and promotes the conservation and management of water in Alberta.
The Water Act addresses Albertans’ rights to divert water, the types of instruments and decision-making processes available for diversion and use of water, and enforcement measures available to ensure the goals of the act are met.