“Bullying Awareness Week is an important opportunity to take action and stop bullying in all its forms. This year, the province has adopted the theme #BeKindAB to emphasize the importance of simply being kind.

“Bullying can happen to anyone, anywhere. Whether it be at school, the office, online, in the community or even at home, bullying can leave long-lasting, damaging effects. That is why it’s so important to learn how to recognize bullying and learn the skills to prevent it.

“Everyone deserves to feel safe wherever they are. Being kind leaves a positive lasting effect that benefits the community. Alberta is home to so many deeply caring people, which is how we know Albertans will step up to the plate to help stop bullying.

“One of the most common forms of bullying is cyberbullying. Albertans young and old can be targets, which is why it’s important to know where to turn when you experience or witness it. By learning how to better support those who suffer from bullying, we can expect to see a positive culture change in our communities.

“If you need help or know someone who does, resources can be found at alberta.ca/Bullying. Help is available by calling the 24-hour Bullying Helpline at 310-1818, and an online chat is available at alberta.ca/BullyingChat.

“We encourage all Albertans to get involved and take action to stop bullying. Use the hashtag #BeKindAB to show what you are doing to help raise awareness and how you are helping make Alberta a more inclusive place for all.”