The government will begin the process of changing the court’s name to the Alberta Court of Justice, which better reflects the court’s fundamental role in administering justice for the citizens it serves.
“The government supports the court’s efforts to enhance access to justice. This change helps ensure the court’s fundamental responsibility to Albertans, to provide a fair and accessible justice system to all, is reflected in its name.”
This change was requested by the Provincial Court of Alberta, which stated in its strategic plan that the name better “describes the relationship between our citizens and the justice they seek from our court.”
“Over the past five decades, Alberta’s front-line, trial-level court has grown in size and complexity, and has evolved to meet the changing needs of the province and its people. We have asked for this new name to reflect that growth and that evolution. The name Alberta Court of Justice more clearly communicates the nature, purpose, and independence of our work on behalf of Albertans.”
To save on costs, this change will be implemented as part of the work currently in progress to rename the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta to the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta.