“The Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies has designated Sept. 21 as Agricultural Societies Day in Alberta. This celebration recognizes the significant contributions agricultural societies make to advancing the sector and enhancing the quality of life in communities across Alberta.

“Agricultural societies are volunteer driven, not-for-profit organizations whose mandate and diversity make them invaluable in the communities they serve. Ag societies are often the centre of their communities, providing services and hosting events that enhance the vibrancy and significantly impact the quality of life in their communities.

“The province’s 291 agricultural societies are a rich part of Alberta’s history, operating things like community centres, ball diamonds, rodeo grounds, curling rinks, skating rinks and more.

“Thousands of Albertans volunteer countless hours with their local society to help build thriving communities across the province. Their programs, events, facilities and community activities build connection and community pride.

“I’m proud to recognize the dedicated volunteers that make agricultural societies work. Your determination keeps Albertans connected to agriculture and promotes the true values of rural Alberta: hard work, determination and community.

“I encourage Albertans to learn more about the agricultural societies in your area and share your experiences with agriculture education and advancement using the hashtag #abagsocietiesday on Sept. 21.”