“Brain injuries can occur at any age and cause temporary or permanent cognitive, physical, behavioural and emotional changes. About 1.5 million Canadians live with an acquired brain injury affecting many aspects of their lives.

“Some brain injuries can be prevented, as they are caused by external events such as motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries or falls. Others are caused by internal factors like an aneurysm, brain tumour, stroke or even opioid overdose.

“With proper care and support, most people with a concussion (a mild brain injury) can recover in a few weeks. But for others, and those with moderate to severe brain injuries, symptoms can persist or become permanent.

“Those living with a brain injury can experience headaches, problems with memory, attention and judgment, depression and difficulties in social situations. These often chronic symptoms can affect every area of their lives – whether they are at home, school, work and in relationships, as well as the lives of their families, friends and colleagues. 

“I am glad that our announcement of an $81-million investment to complete construction of the University of Alberta Hospital’s Brain Centre coincides with Brain Injury Awareness Month. Albertans living with brain injuries and their families, now and in the future, can be assured they have access to world-class technology and care, and the best chance for recovery.”